Clothian Culture Festival

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A Clothian Culture festival-the first one ever held-begins! Many Mixels party, wearing Clothian-made fashion. Swetzer groans, Skarvs having suggested this to spread their odd clothing-based culture in Mixel Land. Skarvs moves to the side towards Swetzer. Then moves abit more. Then comes close enough to hug Swetzer. Swetzer squirms out of the hug as the two note a huge attendance. Nearly every Goodnyght and Clothian showed up, even the N-Mixels! Not to mention this taking place in Knittown, meaning all the Stitchlie inhabitants and the MixBots are also exploring around, having fun with various activities.

A dance contest brews, Jeanne and Kap as the judges. Even Chefnix clonks over to participate. Considering Mixels strictly dislike discrimination, Jeanne shrugs as they accept his attendance, knowing he isn't there to cause a ruckus.

Grouping the various Mixels, Jeanne realizes there's an odd number. Kap suggests Chefnix as a solo performance, since he can't mix. After accepting the sound idea, the dance contest begins!

Princess, wanting to being home a trophy for Murppet, begins dancing, tossing around her dance partner Skarvs to and fro, dizzying Skarvs. Princess pulls out a rainbow cubit, quickly maneuvering the two into a mix. The mix stumbles around dizzily, sliding off the stage and plummeting to the floor, leading to horrified expressions on the poor Clothian judges' faces. 0/10 across the board, the first and only lowest record for the festival.

Thereafter, Lumpy and Awak-Slep dance fairly well, being surprisingly in-tune. It helps that Lumpy feels weird nostalgia from the music. However, getting too caught up in it's own minds, the two creating a Goodnyghts murp with Awak-Slep gets the Mixels disqualified.

Jeanne and Kap sigh, having little hope for the last performance. However, Chefnix performs an hour-long dance that brings the entirety of the audience and judges to tears, receiving a 200/10 rating from the two combined scores!! Chefnix grins, taking home the trophy.

As Ph0ne continues face-painting, she gains a rhythm. Ph0ne splashes here and there many face paint requests, changing her face based on the request. Sokket slithers up, Ph0ne readying a work-in-progress Clothian translation app. Sokket speaks whatever strange nonsense it pleases, Ph0ne's face changing to a munchbunny, making Sokket laugh. After... somehow... painting Sokket's face, Nyarn comes through, "Gimme the works! Make me look like that guy from the video site!!" Ph0ne's screen becomes a question mark, not knowing the request. Nyarn shows a blurry photo reference, Ph0ne shrugging as she paints Nyarn's face, being sure to add the yellow mustache as a cherry on top. Lastly, Lankzo simply spits out a teddy bear fist, indicating they want their face painted like it. Ph0ne gleefully continues her work, eating some paint along the way.

"COME ONE!! Come ALL!!," Toolz-E exclaims, heading the bobbing for coconapples activity, excitedly waving around a berrynana sign by mistake. Beddy and Yume grab buckets, grabbing apples with their teeth. Swetzer then struts in, "Bet I can beat yo-o-ou guys at bo-o-obbing for apples!!" Swetzer then swallows all the water and apples, choking on them, "AUUGGGHHHH I'M DYINGGG... WHAT IS THIS MUCKING KARMIC FATE," he says overdramatically. Yume and Beddy help lift up the sopping wet dino, apples falling out her sleeves and hollow sweater bottom.

A rope-legged race is beginning, Lankzo partnering up with Sneek, the two fellas high footing. Meanwhile, Fruitpunch ends up with Crocsu. Fruitpunch grumbles, "Don't thinks yous gonn' done slow me downs, y'here!?" Crocsu sighs, "Same to you. Let's have fun!" Fruitpunch's sour disposition soon becomes panic as Crocsu gets distracted at a butter-fly, stomach growling as they chase it.

"AIYEEEEAAAGGGHH!!," Fruitpunch shouts, dragged along by an impossibly fast Crocsu who should break the laws of natural order. But the Crocsu books it at the speed of light anyway, for they do not care about what Mixels think is possible. Once Crocsu stops to snack on the newly caught butter-fly, Sneek and Lankzo book it past them, landing in 4th place!

Knitto groans, unable to pop a single balloon as a shady stand runner is flabbergasted at Rayzo, who shoots every balloon with ease. Rayzo cheers, having bested every balloon within the time limit. Rayzo gets a giant teddy bear fist, "Hey Knitto!!! Got this for uzzz!!!" "Oh really?," Knitto says gratefully, tripping on a spool rock and falling onto the yarn ground, "Thmmmmnankksh!!"

While the chaos is happening, Nitti wanders off to Mixes, a restaurant semi-nearby within Brawllar Canyon. As Nitti enters, beating up an onslaught of tall buff Mixels looking to best it, the entire restaurant cheers at it's most famous customer. A Flexer cat whips around, even wearing Nitti's old eyepatch it gifted him a while back, "What'll it be Nitti?" Nitti pipes up in response, "The usual!"

As Nitti receives a moonfflé, it hears weeping from afar. It finishes the food, getting off the bar stool and walking around the corner of said bar, coming across a rare plant. "Huh... so this'ms an essence flower?," Nitti wonders, overlooking the plant, it's rarity valued even enough to deter Mixels who have one from ever using it to mix, despite there being rumors of such a mix being "absolutely perfect".

Nitti then turns away from the flower, noticing an eel Mixel weeping. "What's... wrong?," Nitti asks. The Eel speaks, but Nitti strangely hears the sound from behind itself. Regardless, Nitti locks attention onto the eel, "Well... my name is Eelzabob. I was once swimming around Mixlantis!... but got lost," the Mixel pauses, coughing on it's watery spit, "I was... led to a strange place... it was a section of the Mixlantis ocean."

Nitti nods intently as the worried Mixel continues, "It was... so deep... so dark... so... cold... and everything was pure white... like a snowy wonderland, but squishy! We then ended up here... lost."

Nitti pats the poor fella on the head, feeling a static shock, "Well, regardless of traveling back, I say make the most of your surroundings!," Nitti says thoughtlessly, making Eelzabob chuckle. "Thanks, Nitti," Eelzabob says, handing over a multi-colored box, "It's a present from me and to you!" Nitti holds the strangely royal-esque puzzle cube, "This'll be fun to put in my collectibles stash! Thanks!"

When Nitti returns to have Eelzabob meet it's tribemates, they're nowhere to be seen. Same with the essence flower. "Nitwit... we don't need to be led to strange corners just over a funny fidget cube you found," Skarvs complains. Crocsu nods, but still comforts Nitti, "Well... it is at least a neat lil thing, isn't is?" Skarvs concurs, the two returning to the culture fest while Nitti trails behind.

The End

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