The Itsy Bitsy Spider

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"HelLO Mixel Land inhabitants!!," Ph0ne says, nervously sweating electricity with her tribemates by her side, "Would YOU like an AWESOME NEW-" while the Mixels who are even paying mind simply stare, waiting for the Clothian theater to begin, the MixBots suddenly short circuit.

Rayzo approaches, readying a screwdriver for Toolz-E... but gets a big CLONK to the head, Beddy having jumped atop the gun-shaped Mixel. As he aimlessly blasts—blinded by Beddy—the other N-Mixels, King MixNix and a swarm of Nixels come in for backup. A blaze of disorganized combat erupts, a great many at odds.

The MixBots look to Rayzo, the adblock remote destroyed and Rayzo feeling uncomfortable to be facing it's old colleagues. "You've been actin' all SORTS of OUTTA LINE Rayzo," Toolz-E shouts angrily. Rayzo shrugs, while Lankzo thinks of absolutely nothing on it's 1 mixabyte brain. Ph0ne pets the lanky MixBot, "Oh Lankzy... don't you notice how the Nixels don't seem to be giving it their all?" The MixBot's observations were quite right, as the Nixels provided not even enough of a struggle to warrant mixing yet. Ph0ne winces at MixNix, the other five N-Mixels and back to Rayzo, calculating.

"O-o-oh great..." Swetzer groans, "Theater go-o-ot interrupted AGAIN..." Skarvs tries to cheer Swetzer up, "Hey, at least it'll still be a banger performance!" Swetzer looks away bashfully, before King MixNix grabs Skarvs, "This... PUTRID friendship... it needs to END!"

Skarvs' life flashes before it's eyes, the world around him seemingly going silent as King MixNix unleashes nixelite through the clawed hand he grabbed Skarvs with.

Swetzer hears anguish as Skarvs is permanixed. Swetzer freezes in horror, only able to smell the strawmango detergent fading away, taste defeat... like a bitter ice cream, feel a tingling sensation overtake him and hear her heart pumping. As the battle drowns out around Swetzer, they can only think of a few words to say.

"Un-nix. Friend." King MixNix laughs heartily, waiting for Swetzer to make a move. "Un-nix. Friend." Something changes, a power seeming to flow from Planet Mixel itself into Swetzer. Swetzer's colors begin fading, but Swetzer doesn't seem to be hurt by it. "Wh-what's mixin' on??," Ph0ne shouts, unable to avoid a well placed advertisement. "Is it an... alien power??," Nitti says in an attempt to rationalize. Jeanne's and Kap's jaws drop with the sound of an 8-bit anvil. "It... it not... alien power..." Sneek says.

Jet black armor encases Swetzer, who roars and screams in her home language. Lankzo eats some popcorn. Swetzer screeches angrily, as King MixNix brings up a Nixelite shield, a single armored punch from Swetzer's sleeve towards the shield connecting. As Swetzer drives more force towards his arm, destroying the shield, the now fearful King's armor cracks, the entire Nixel army burnt to mere dust. Swetzer's words are barely describable by other Clothians... except Swetzer's sister Jeanne. It... roughly translates to something Swetzer doesn't want to repeat. Of course, who cares!! "Skarvs... it the o-o-only co-o-olor... in my grey mucking life..."

Another punch destroys the Klinker's entire arm, King MixNix immediately retreating. Swetzer's strange power also helps Skarvs—somehow—fight back, regaining his colors. Swetzer faints momentarily, having tired out.

Seeing the lack of a Nixel army, the N-Mixels take this opportunity to grab their emergency cubit. As they do, an eerily high-quality sphere appears, sucking in the N-Mixels and melting them. It shakes them about inside, thinking up a fortune! Said fortune says, If you walk into a spider web, you'll meet a friend! The orb explodes, leaving a mushy puddle of 6 Mixel remains. The puddle morphs and gyrates, one leg popping out, then another, then four more one by one. Two... heads?... pop out either end, one with two arms beneath, mandibles and a sharp tongue. One antenna sticks up from this 68-eyed menace, with a glowing energy source shining bright. The back end of this menace with one wing has an abdomen with twisted jaws that have a second pair of nostrils from the head and 14 teeth protecting the stabby bit in which spider webbing made of various cloths, spit and strange futuristic metal oozes out.

As it screeches an unholy hissing growl, Nyarn being the most mortified of all, already immensely scared of even normal cider spiders. Nitti pities the feline, going over to comfort her. It even offers a cubit, Nyarn accepting instantly. As too, do many other mixes form to take on this behemoth of an N-Mix. Ones of Ph0ne/Yume, Beddy/Crocsu, Awak-Slep/Jeanne, Kap/Sneek and Lankzo/Toolz-E all form.

While the N-Mix fires off aimless beams and webs towards anything that moves, the Nitti/Nyarn mix weaves its way around, sneaking through the battlefield. The Ph0ne/Yume mix distract the N-Mix with ads of what it dreams it could have, while Beddy/Crocsu begin knitting a blanket to trap it in at mach speeds. The Lankzo/Toolz-E mix uses it's optimized data to quickly summon steaks from hammerspace to keep the blanket tarp in place, while the Kap/Sneek mix simply break dances masterfully, using it's mind-boggling drip to kick, punch and papow the steaks into place. The Awak-Slep/Jeanne mix uses it's long denim legs to jump to a vantage point and unleash a sleepy yawn, slowing the N-Mix down. The blanket gets set in place, the mix now trapped and struggling. The Nitti/Nyarn mix uses it's own long string to jam the N-Mix's abdomen, causing it to explode and split.

As the Mixels cheer, the N-Mixels collectively grumble, following in the looming footsteps of their beaten down King. "Sucks to be YO-O-OU LO-O-OSERS!!!," Swetzer snaps. Lumpy hisses, it's lumpy self moving around rapidly in defeat. "N-Mixels... today was hard fought," Says King MixNix, "You've earned your vacation days." King MixNix says, having one more trick up his sleeve, but being unable to risk interference. Thus, he sent them to relax after today.

"Heyyy MixWix!!," Schnix giggles, "What else does ya needs??" King MixNix grumbles, "How do I beat the MixBots." Schnix thinks, "Let me get back to ya on that!!"

A Mixful End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now