Spaced Out

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What appears to look like a conspiracy board is once again being scribbled all over, filled with the soul and aspirations of Nitti. Nitti gazes at the board as it crafts ideas on how to get to the Mixel Moon, home of the Orbitons and Glowkies. Umbriel is another option, being a distant planet... one with far too many unknowns and variables to fully understand. Even a strange distant astral plane of land of which Galaxiers inhabit was recently discovered by Mixel Moon inhabitants.

What piques Nitti's immediate imagination most of all, is the Nightlight Moon. It's a moon orbiting the Mixel Moon itself. The location houses a tribe whose name has been lost to time. This moon only appears when the Lightbulb Sun goes out at night. For some reason, neither planetoid nor moon doogy have been interested in exploring it, in spite of being so vastly low on info regarding it.

Maybe... Nitti thinks to itself, Maybe there's Mixels up there unknown to all!

Skarvs walks in on Nitti's bright-eyed doodling, noticing it's knitting needle antennae poised in the air. Skarvs groans, knowing Nitti gets strange when it's doing research on space. "Alright Nitwit," Skarvs sighs, using an affectionate nickname. He grabs Nitti by one of it's antennae, "That's enough."

Nitti hisses, "HEY! Stop prematurely getting on my case!!" "Yeah yeah," Skarvs says, "I know how ya gets." "Hear me out at least, planetoid!" Crocsu pops by, hearing the commotion within the knitted walls of the home, "Hey guys... you know these walls are cloth-thin right?," they say quietly, "I bets that the entirety of Knittown can hear your banter!"

On the contrary, every Stitchlie in earshot had AirPods in.

Nitti feels relieved to see Crocsu, "Oh thank Mixel! Crocsu, Skarvs won't let me do my research!! And he isn't listening!" Crocsu ponders a bit, "We should at least hear Nitti out methinks." Skarvs sighs, taking out it's earplugs. Crocsu ponders whether Skarvs even has ears, which gets interrupted, "But understanding... that's different." Nitti recognizes it's way of speaking can be... occasionally nonsensical.

Before Nitti could think of a solution, Crocsu accidentally steps on it's tail. Nitti's usually high-pitched voice turned to a deep, gargling and alien growl, "Did. You. Just. Touch. My. Tail?"

Crocsu and Skarvs back away nervously. Nitti headbutts Crocsu in the side, causing them to throw up stored yarn. It flies everywhere, covering Nitti. "Quick!," Skarvs shouts holding out a cubit donning light blue and dark pink colors, "Grab the cubit!"

Crocsu grabs the cubit, a clothing iron falling on the two Mixels. It goes back and forth, meshing the Mixels into a powerful mix! Using the mess of yarn, this mix uses their newly formed fingers to precisely maneuver it around Nitti, creating a nice little Christmix stocking! After being trapped for a bit, Nitti calms down.

"Sorry bout that guys," Nitti sighs, "I gots to be more calm." Crocsu and Skarvs say nothing, expressing forgiveness by pulling out a cubit. Nitti realizes what's happening as the three Stitchlies get pulled into a knitting spool. Floating fleshy hands grab some knitting needles, knitting up the Stitchlies max! The max swings around it's yarn ball hands, knocking down the whole house. They know to fix the house in a moment, but look to the sky.

The max's one scarf-covered eye glistens happily, observing a meteor shower. The meteors being the perfect mix between rock and water, hence why it's called a shower. The max fixes up the house and splits. "Woah! That was AWESOME!," Crocsu exclaims. "Yeah!," Skarvs says, combing it's arms, "Hey, didn't you say those caught in a meteor shower are clean for life?" Nitti nods with gusto, "Yeah. That'd be fabulastical!"

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now