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"Aah...?," Ph0ne says, offering one of 7 cubits stacked on a nearby table during a fashion show. Swetzer grabs the cubit, a long and weird feathery piece of clothing whacking the two Mixels together! The mix shows off some stellar high heels, tripping over itself because it's legs are too long to coordinate walking.

They remix, now sporting a cool T-shirt and snapback combo. The mix bows, but the hat comes off and makes it go feral like a murp. Another remix gets whacked by a shovel with a cartoony BOINK as it rocks some neon lighted jeans. It does a little dance but one of the legs malfunctions from a cramp, leading to the mix falling onto the floor and withering.

One more remix later and a new mix is back on it's feet! This time, the mix sports a cool cowboy hat, making the only Yey-haww in the audience cheer and clap in an otherwise silent audience. As the mix gets eaten by it's own hat, the long-nosed Yey-haww sheepishly looks at the floor.

The two once again remix, a curtain hiding them, promptly unveiling the ultimate drip, consisting of one big ol shoe and quite the comfortable sweater. Before they can show it off, however, the mix wibbles and wobbles, grabbing the second-to-last cubit to remix with. Lacking much fashion, the mix clears it's throat, "And no-o-ow, a word fro-o-om our sponso-o-or!"

The mix adjusts it's suit jacket, "Have YO-O-OU ever wanted the Bazunga Flower art set?? Well with our sponsor of MixBot Industries, it can be all yours!! For the low, low price of 5 mucks!!" The mix splits, Swetzer and Ph0ne panting, "Uh... ta-da..!," Ph0ne says weakly.

Jeanne, Toolz-E and Lankzo are judges, bringin out respective ratings of -50/10, 1.6/10 and 11/10. The two Mixels pout, murping with the last cubit and self destructing, causing a black hole!

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now