Rocky Goals

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Skarvs sighs joyously, the time going slow with a wondrous nothing much to do! He watches a slowly blackening cubit slowly make its way out of Stitchlie Valley, almost reaching Cragster Village.

Swetzer flops down, making the cubit wobble a tad, "Why do-o-o I smell... something burnt but happy?" Swetzer was confused. Skarvs sighs, "There's a magical moving cubit here!" Swetzer gets up, "Darn, didn't even no-o-otice your Strawmango-o-o detergent scent... ugh."

"Well, there's a maaaagical moving cubit Swetzer!," Skarvs explains. Swetzer didn't have the energy to explain how much of a lunatic he is, so instead walks away. Skarvs sighs, Awak-Slep coming by, "What seems to be the trouble pard'ner?" "I wanted to help this cubit move." Awak understands, "Let's mix!" Skarvs is confused as Awak-Slep trips into it and they murp. It groans and coughs, then looking forward, "HellOOOOO mixful ladies!!!"

What an idiotic murp.

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now