Silly or Sleepy

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Nyarn continues trying to escape Awak's... overbearing friendliness, "C'mere kitty kitty! I wanna darn diddly cuddle!" Nitti laughs, shoving fistfuls of rock popcorn in it's mouth.

Nyarn finally finds a spot under the couch, Awak unable to reach. Awak scans the area, "Hey Skarvs!! Let's mix, I wanna cuddle with the Nyarn fellow!!" Skarvs is startled, bumping his cubit by mistake. The two are crushed by a tree, forming a murp. "Murp? Murp!!!" The murp is short enough to wedge beneath the couch, now chasing Nyarn all over the living room.

Tiring itself out, the murp splits, with Skarvs and Awak now asleep. Nyarn feels tired, approaching a sitting Slep cautiously. Nyarn settles on her lap, as he pets Nyarn.

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora