Shards of Life

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Swetzer brings out a box of sock puppets from the deepest dustiest closet she has. After some wise choices, he goes to Sneek's puppet theater stand, which after being retooled as a shoe stand business... is now being rented for a sock puppet show. Swetzer snorts due to the irony.

The two tribes await, the sock puppets rising up. Jeanne also fills in some of the roles, though uses it's feet. Truly the way nature intended.

*** *** ***

Static crackles. It feels like the world has paused. The clock goes tick. The clock goes tock. May it be time for a...?

"MIXBOT COMMERCIAL BREAK!! We are BACK with a brand new advertisement!!," Ph0ne shouts, glistening with glee and a sunny disposition, "Annnnnnd flashback time!!! When was a time you felt sad... maybe your processing power had gone on the fritz?"


A single oily cough comes out from Toolz-e, one branch-leading MixBot in a sea of others. They didn't feel emotion, much. They were testing the ads, with the camera rolling in case it was a good take. "No matter!," Ph0ne segways, ever-optimistic, "For a segway is the perfect stress-reliever!!" The leaders clap a tad, impressed by her spunk and ability to continue despite everything.

However, the ultimate MixBot comes forth, decked in worn and historic armor. No sleek and polished futuristic design, just their first invention. they are truly the MixBot leader of all time. Despite the actual miniature size of MixKing02, they are the best leader, especially due to having created the first MixBots. When they are present, every MixBot freezes up. This is the ultimate test, one even all the MixBot leaders have not passed.

Ph0ne's eye turns to that of a sun, turning the fear of MixKing02 into happiness that they even showed up. She does a tap dance, hopping onto the bike with the usual pizzazz, "Make sure to get one for a sunny day!" She bows.

The audience roars with applause, even MixKing02 chuckling happily.

*** *** ***

And so, Swetzer bows as the hour-long puppet show of chaos, beauty and resolution... draws to a close. It talked about oh so much in Clothian history. The endangeredness they had when predatory catfish preyed upon them... the cubit shard that gave life... provided there's a piece of clothing with lots of love put in. Did I mention the Clothians worship and run society around it due to saving the tribe from extinction?

Good thing we saw it! ...Right? No... pesky ad breaks?

"I LOVED IT SWETZER!!," erupts Nitti within a crowd that's otherwise sleeping or unfocused. It claps and cheers like a maniac, bringing Swetzer a smile.

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now