A Chance For A Challenge

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After the whole ordeal with Giovanni, Ash knew what he had to do. He had train a bit more. Not with his regular Pokémon, but with his Legendaries as well. One thing Ash remembered was that he did promise all of his Pokémon that they would get the chance to battle and that's the promise he intended on keeping.

Right now he was doing some training with Latias and Pikachu. It had been a minute since Latias  engaged in some of the training. And after what happened last night, she was willing to do whatever it took for her to get stronger.

Pikachu jumps into the air with his tail glowing white. Latias on the other side of him came in at high speeds with both of her wings glowing white.

Back and forth, Latias's wings and Pikachu's clashed with each other causing static to erupt from their attacks. After a bit of stalemate the two backed away from one another. Soon they clashed with their attacks again. Back and forth, until after the last clash the two Pokémon stood opposite of one another ready to keep going.

Ash watched as his two Pokémon trained against one another, with their power growing every second. What caused their power to excceed was their determination to get better. That alone made him smile. He whistled at his two closest partners signaling for them to stop. The two Pokémon managed to stop turning their heads towards their trainer.

"Alright, that's enough you two," Ash says folding his arms. "That'll be enough for today."

Pikachu and Latias made their way to Ash with Latias reaching him first. She playfully flown around Ash making him laugh a little. Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder taking his perch.

"You two are getting better," He says as he scratches Pikachu behind the ears causing the mouse Pokémon to coo. "Soon, we'll be able to take down Giovanni once and for all!"

Latias cheered wanting to bring the monster that took everything away from her to justice.

"Come on, let's get some snacks." He says with Latias following behind him.

Opening the back door and into the kitchen, Ash made his way to the fridge. Pikachu hopped off his shoulder and onto the counter so Ash could properly get into the fridge. What he got out was some special Pokémon food that he had bought. Thanks to Ash's champion status, and being paid almost half a million a week, he was able to buy the most delicious food for his Pokémon. Though he does admit, the food he and his Pokémon have eaten, they were never as good as Brock, Cilan, or even Clemont's cooking.

Ash smiled as he prepared the food for his two partners. Once they got the bowl of food they immdeaditly scarfed down on the food. Ash chuckled seeing that both Pokémon had his eating habits now. Even though he lost some of his old habits, they continued to live on through his Pokémon.

Ash walked in the living room in hopes of finally getting the chance to relax. Sitting in the middle of the couch Gardevoir was playing Pokkén Tournament on Ash's large flat screen. Judging from the screen, Gardevoir was playing online. It honestly surprised Ash to see how good Gardevoir was at the game. She was able to attack, block, and counter her opponents moves with such skill. In the span of two months, Gardevoir was able to outclass even the most skilled gamers. Normally when playing, she would always play as herself, but this time she decided to switch it up. She was now playing as Garchomp, while her opponent was an Empoleon.

Ash sighed as he sat down on the couch beside her.

"I'm assuming the training went well?" She asked without looking at her trainer.

"Yes," Ash answered. "Yes it did."

Ash was intending to relax for the time being. There were league matches going on, but he didn't care to see them unless it was one of his friends battling. Other than that, he didn't really care. He closed his eyes relaxing on the couch while Gardevoir continued to game.

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