The Final Verdict!

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"Let's do this Gardevoir!" Ash yelled as he held up his arm with his keystone. "Let's do this!" Gardevoir says via telepthy as she prepared herself for what's next.

"Let's show them..." Ash starts off as he places two fingers on his Keystone, "Our bond of friendship!" After he finished that sentence the Keystone began to glow as yellow streams of light shot out from it. He then lifts up his fist and yells, "MEGA EVOLVE!!"

In the the gem stone on her necklace began to respond. "GARDEVOIRRR" Gardevoir yelled out as blue streams of light formed outwards. The two lights then connected as the lights turned white Gardevoir's body began to change as light surronded her entire body. The change took place as she turns almost completely white; only her hair remains green. Her gown becomes longer and wider, resembling a bridal gown. Her forearms are slightly thicker with a pointed extension above the elbow, resembling gloves. Her facial spikes are larger and now curl upwards. In contrast, the hair is now shorter and more tightly curled. There are now two horns in the center of her chest, extending to either side. Upon finishing the transformation Gardevoir opened her eyes before doing a little twirl before the Mega Evolution symbol appears in front of her briefly. This is Mega Gardevoir.

"And the champion has responded with Mega Evolution! This is becoming more crazy by the second!"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"And the champion has responded with Mega Evolution! This is becoming more crazy by the second!"


"So Aaron responds with Mega Evolution huh?" Alain said becoming more interested now.

"Dynamax vs Mega Evolution!" Mairin says in excitment. "This should be amazing."

"Though Iris has to remember," Brock started to say making everyone look at him. "A Pokémon can only stay Dynamaxed for three moves, while Mega Evolution only lasts until the Pokémon is unable to battle. So whatever Iris does..."

"It'll all vary on that," Cilan finished.

"Hey no need to worry!" Dawn said aloud. "Iris will be able to handle it."


Everyone on the Alola side were all staring at Dragonite in awe. Although they know about the existence of Dynamax they never seen it in person.

"So this is Dynamax?" Sophocles said in utter shock.

"Correct," Kukui said, "It's a special phenomenon only used here in Galar. However the Pokémon is only able to say Dynamaxed for three moves. Not only that Dragonite's stamina goes way past its limits."

"This data will never ever be deleted!!!" Rotom said in pure excitment.

Lei was not only fascinated with Dynamax Dragonite, but upon seeing Gardevoir Mega Evolve he became interested in why she looked so different.

"Hey mom," Lei asked to his mother making her look at him. "What happened to Gardevoir?"

"Well Lei, what Gardevoir just underwent a process called Mega Evolution," She explained to her son.

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