Why Didn't You Look My Way?

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We now venture forward into the night. A few hours after Kiawe's sudden attack he managed to get his Pokémon to the Pokémon Center. Luckily for him they were still open when they got there.

Luckily for him also everyone was asleep when he got there so he didn't have to worry about explaining anything to the others until the morning so that was a win.

We now cut to the main group in their hotel. Clemont and Korrina were both asleep in their room with Korrina asleep on Clemont's chest with the sheets covering their bodies.

Max managed to get his own room and was sound asleep with his glassess on a dresser next to him.

In the girls's room they were all sound asleep with light snores being heard around the room.

Though that changed when one of the girls began to grunt in her sleep. A certain honey-blonde haired girl. She began to slowly toss and turn until her head began to shake violently.


"Come on, Serena! We have to hurry!" Ash said as he had Serena's hand in his as they were running down a large corridor with Pikachu running right beside him.

She looked around and could see the flames engulfing most of the room they were in. Screams could be heard throughout the whole area as the two kids ran for their lives. Around them multiple structures began to collaspse as they ran. Ash was able to guide through the falling rubble as they dashed for the closest exit.

Luckily for them they came across a fire exit with a large fleet of stairs. They quickly made their way down the stairs until they heard a crumbling sound. Above them a large chunk of debris began to come crashing down.

Ash however quickly prepared for the situation as he quickly pulled out a Pokéball.

"Sirfetch'd, use Meteor Assault!!" He yelled as he throws the ball forward.

Out from the ball came a white duck like Pokémon with a large leek sword and shield. Upon being released his body and leek became surronded in a yellow aura. It proceeded to charge forward destroying the beam in the process. Ash covered Serena and Pikachu from the minature debris.

"You guys okay?" He asked with worry clear in his voice as Serena and Pikachu looked up at him.

"Yeah we're okay," Serena says to him with Pikachu squeaking in agreement.

That made Ash feel better as he looked towards Sir'Fetched. "Awesome job Sir'Fetched!"

"Sirfetch'd!" He says looking back at his trainer.

On that note they all continued down the stairs until they eventually made it to the ground floor.

Ash smiled as a bit relief hit him. "Alright, we made it! If we're lucky the others should be ok outside as well!" Serena smiled and nodded to him before the quartet headed for the lobby door. But before they could get to it an explosion went off beside them blasting the group back.

Sirfetch's managed to soften the blow of where he landed thanks to his shield. Ash however, wasn't so lucky as he was slammed into the wall at full force. However, he had Serena in his arms protecting her from the wall. Serena had never even been caught in his embrace as the two never actually hugged before. The warm embrace she felt made her feel comfortable as they layed on the ground until Pikachu and Sirfetch'd came running towards them to see if they were okay.

Serena turned to Ash full of worry. "Ash! Are you okay?" She asked worried for the raven haired boy.

Ash however simply shrugged it off as he looked at her. "Don't worry I'm fine. Are you okay?" He asked her with worry very visible in his eyes. Serena gave a small smile and nodded. The two managed to rise to their feet as they headed towards the entrance of the lobby. Ash had quickly taken her hand again as they rushed towards the door.

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