Pokémon Love Triangle

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(Later on that day)

"WHOO-HOO!!" Trevor screamed to the top of his lungs jumping in the excitedly. "I can't believe it! I made it through the first battle!"

Walking alongside him were Bonnie, Max, and Tierno. Reason they were with him was because Tierno had his battle while Bonnie and Max wanted to watch. Mostly because they wanted to see the other opponents in case they had to face them. After Trevor's battle they were all heading to the Pokémon Center.

"We're all happy for you Trevor," Bonnie exclaimed with Dedenne chirping in agreement.

"Hey I'm just glad I didn't have to face Brandon or that Tobias guy," Tierno shivered remembering seeing them battle today.

In their battles, Brandon and Tobias managed to make short work of their opponents. Brandon defeated his opponent with his Regirock, Registeel, and Regice respectively. As for Tobias, he completely destroyed his opponent with his Darkrai alone.

"Oh yeah. That was a little scary to watch. I've never seen a Darkrai that powerful." Max says. "When they said anyone could compete they weren't kidding."

"Hey! All I have to say is that right now, I don't really care! I made it through the first round and I couldn't be happier." Trevor says excitedly as they all walk in through the Pokémon Center through the door.

He was so excited that he didn't notice that someone was walking towards them causing them to accidently bumped into someone causing them both to fall over. It was revealed to be Goh.

Bonnie, Max, and Tierno noticed this as they quickly ran up to both boys.

"You guys okay?!" Bonnie asked out to both boys.

"Yeah, we're okay," Goh groaned rubbing his head.

"Sorry Goh," Trevor apologized once they both managed to get onto their feet. "I should've been looking where I was going."

Goh dusted himmself off before saying, "It's all good. I kinda wasn't looking where I was going either."

"Where are you guys coming from?" Goh asked to the group.

"We're coming from the stadium from watching the battles today," Tierno says.

"And I managed to win my battle!" Trevor says full of energy.

Goh sweatdropped before saying, "Well, I'm glad to here that."

"Where are you heading to Goh?" Bonnie asked.

"I was heading out to find out about more mysterious Pokémon roaming Galar. So I had to have my Pokémon checked out before going on my search." Goh says.

"Mysterious Pokémon?" Trevor asked now feeling curious.

"Yeah, back in Kanto people have been reporting that there have been Pokémon who aren't native to Galar being spotted," He says.

Hearing that caused Trevor to get excited. "Say do you mind if I come with you?" He asks. "My dream is to meet every Pokémon and add it to my photo collection!"

"Sure! I could use the help." Goh says.

"But do you know where to even start looking?" Max asked.

Goh had thought about it for a moment. Even though they got reports of non-native Pokémon the reports didn't give a clue as to where they could be.

"Are you absolutely sure?" A voice said from a different area of the Pokémon Center.

They all turned to see that the voice came from Kiawe who was talking to the local Officer Jenny.

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