Mega Evolution vs Gigantamax: The Second Round

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We now continue into the hot battles of the Pokémon Master Tournament.

In the first battle we witness Aaron, aka Ash Ketchum the reigning monarch demonstrated his power first hand with Pikachu, a newly evolved Scrafty, and a brand new Pokémon, Gardevoir.

In the second battle, we witness Hop take on Saki, who is secretly Giovanni, the big boss of Team Rocket, defeat Leon's little brother Hop with his Bisharp alone. Asserting his dominace.

In the third round, although they managed to match each other Trip's arrogance costed him the battle resulting in his loss against Mega Sceptile.

Now we begin with the fourth round. Raihan vs Alain.


"Ladies and Gentleman, we now continue on to the fourth battle of the Pokémon Masters Tournament!"

Everyone looked with excitment as it was now time for one of their friends to finally battle. Especially Mairin and Chespie who had been awaiting his battle for a while.

"You can do it Alain!!" Mairin yelled with Chespie screaming along with her.

Everyone one on the Alola side as well were also very excited to see one of the Master's Eight battle a former Master's Eight member.

Ash and his Pokémon all took their spots at the top of the stadium all visibly excited for the battle.

"That battle we have Former Master's Eight member, Raihan, vs number eight of the Masters Eight, Alain!!"

All of the spectators cheered loudly as Alain and Raihan made their way to the trainer boxes on the field.

"You know, I'm surprised your still battling after what happened to you six years ago," Raihan says out to Alain.

"And that was enough time for me to rethink my battling style and strategies. I may have lost then, but it won't happen again," Alain said filled with confidence. "Plus I managed to beat you once and I can happily do it again."

Raihan smirked at Alain's confidence seeing that his battling spirit wasn't harmed by Leon beating him. Though that sting defeat that Alain delivered to him still stung in his mouth like a bad taste in a dish. Though today he was going wipe that stain in defeat clean.

"You've talk tough, but I'll happily knock you down a peg!"


Everyone were all very excited to see Alain battle. Luckily before he went on the field Tierno and Serena had already made it back to their seats and were excited to see the battle take place.

"A memeber of the Master's Eight versus a former member of the Master's Eight," Brock says with interest. "Now this should be an interesting battle."

"Hey Iris?" Max asked out to Iris making the champion look at her. "Did you have to battle Raihan when you enetered the Master's Eight?"

"Yeah, I did. He was tough challenge to beat nonetheless. Especially with those weather tatics he always uses." Iris says looking at Max and Bonnie before looking back at Raihan on the battle field.

"Well if anyone can win its Alain!" Bonnie folding her fist with Dedenne squeaking in agreement.

"She's right," Mairin says looking at Bonnie before looking at the field.

"YOU CAN DO THIS ALAIN!!" She screamed to the top of her lungs.

"CHESPIN CHESPIN!!!" Chespi screamed along side her.

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