Enter The New Monarch

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(♪ = When to play music)

After a few minutes of running our heroes have finally made it to Wyndon stadium although when they got there Bonnie, May, Max, and Serena were all excited to finally be there. Although, Clemont had just made and he was tired.

"Look at that we're finally here!" Max said. "Wyndon Stadium."

"Where the battle of all battles take place," Bonnie said with sparkles in her eyes.

"I'm so glad we finally made it," Clemont said trying to catch his breathe. "So, where's Leon?"

"I'm not sure," Serena answered looking around. "He said to meet him here."

They all began looking around, until they heard a familiar voice call out to them. "Hey guys! Over here!"

They all turned to see Leon, waving them down at the doors of the stadium. Everyone gasped at the sight of seeing The World Monarch Champion, Leon.

Leon smiled upon seeing them there. "I'm glad you all could make it."

"I can't thank you enough for inviting us Leon," Serena said excitedly upon talking to him.

"Think nothing of it. I'm thankful that you were able to make it," Leon said scratching the back of his head. He then noticed four sets of eyes watching him. "Oh, are these your friends that you said you'd be bringing?"

Serena smiled as she turned to her friends who were point blank staring at Leon.

"Oh right, let me introduce you to my friends," Serena stated. "This is Clemont, Bonnie, Max and..." She was about to contiune until Leon cut her off.

"May Mapple, Hoenn's Top Coordinator. Am I right?" Leon asked pointing to May. May was a bit surprised to hear the purple haired man say her full name.

"How did you know my name?" She asked shyly causing Leon to chuckle.

"You know that invite that was sent to you to do a Coordinator Battle for the Pokemon Master League?" Leon asked.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Well, I was the one who sent that invite," Leon said. May eyes were glimmering as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. "Oh, well thanks for the invite, I'm honored that you thought of me," May said.

"It is truly an honor to invite us to one of your matches Leon." Clemont added in. Although Leon did invite them to a match he didn't know why Clemont said it was his match they were attending. So, it was obvious to them that they didn't here about the news, but he wans't sure so he decided to test his luck.

"Uh, yeah the honor is all mine," He said scratching the back of his head.

"So, Leon how were you able to stay undefeated for so long?" Bonnie asked.

"We'll talk about that after the match," Leon said as he began to head in the stadium. "We don't wanna miss the battle don't we?"

"Oh right, let's go," Max said heading into the stadium behind Leon with May, Clemont, and Bonnie right behind them.

Serena stayed behind as she pulled out one of her Pokeballs as she threw it up. It opens and with one flash of light, Sylveon appeared.

"Sylveon," She said upon being let out of her Pokeball. Serena knelt down to the Intertwining Pokemon as she stroked behind her ear causing Sylveon to coo.

"Sylveon, do you mind watching a battle with me?" Serena asked her fairy type eeveelution to which she nodded. "Thanks."

The two walked into the stadium passing by many crowds crowding the whole area.

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