Chapter 93

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"What light me up are stars adorned with love made of you
In my universe, you make another world for me
Because you are my stars and my universe
These hardships are just temporary
Just shine as bright as you shine now
We will follow you to adorn this long night

You, you are my universe
And I just want to put you first
And you, you are my universe
And you make my world light up inside"

-My Universe, BTS×Coldplay


Taraa's POV

The BTS WORLD TOUR had started, and their craze had enveloped the whole world. Not a single seat was empty in the venues, and the roads were filled with people hoping to catch a glimpse of them.

As expected, they were busy. So busy that sometimes their last seens would be of two to three days back.

Shows spread across seven continents, this was their longest and biggest world tour until now.

Jungkook had sent me their schedule and just looking at it made me faint. They had atmost 4 days rest before they travelled to a new location.

But even amidst such a busy schedule, Jungkook took out time for us to talk. Be it only for a few minutes, but not a single day passed without us telling each other how much we loved one another.

Taehyung had already sent me my ticket of their concert in London without me asking for it.

The day of the concert arrived and without much difficulty, I was able to go backstage to meet the members before the event began.

It was their manager who led me to a room where only Jungkook was present, and then left us alone.

As soon as his eyes met mine, he ran towards me and took me in his arms, twirling me around.

"I missed you." he said, kissing me.

"I missed you more." I smiled in the kiss and hugged him.

"Let's meet others then I will go to my seat." I suggested and he nodded.

I followed him out of the room and into another one.

"Guys!" I called and all heads in the room turned towards me.



They all exclaimed and came to hug me one by one.

"How's it going? From news, I know that you guys are rocking it. But what about behind-the-scenes? Are you happy?" I asked.



They all said in unison.

"We are satisfied until now. Let's see what the future holds." Namjoon said.

"I can sense that it will be amazing." I said. "J-Hopefully." I winked at Hoseok who winked back.

The air around the room was tense, the usual one that was always present before any performance. I tried to ease the tension by continuously giving them words of encouragement.

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