Fourty Seven

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Mckenzie's POV

I was called in for two consultations that happened over night and there was no surgery needed for both so I was done pretty quickly. I didnt even have to change out of my clothes into scrubs. I head back to Adele and Ace's knowing they were now probably drunk and opening gifts.

I wasnt sure if I even wanted to go back. I felt like I was pretending to be happy all evening even though I felt miserable. I didnt know how to fix this situation and I was strongly concerned about how this ended last time where all we did was argue and fight and ended it all. I loved Tara more than myself maybe and how she was treating me was not cool and it pissed me off. I felt like I was to blame for everything?

I couldnt see past the hurt of this morning. She pissed me off and I cant have her throwing it back in my face everytime we have a fight. I cant also deal with her scheming. I knew exactly what she was doing. I actually do not think us having another child right now will be good for us. She needs to heal? I felt too over my head with this and maybe should talk to Serena and my dad about this.

I head back into the party and as predicted, they were dancing around drunk and music was blasting.

I find Serena holding Amelia as she was talking to Paris.

"Hey! You made it back." Storm says as I take her hand and twirl her around. "I can drink now... point me to the booze."

I take Amelia from Serena kissing her cheeks hugging my baby. "Hi baby girl. You having a nice Christmas with your crazy family?"

"Shut up." Serena says as I follow her into the kitchen holding Amelia. Ace and my dad stood there as they were drinking coronas and were laughing about something.

"Remy and Stassie are driving your pregnant wife insane by bringing snow into the house." Serena says to Ace who rolled his eyes. "They are more scared of you than me." Ace says.

"That is true. Anything you are good at?" Serena asks Ace. "Your girlfriend is annoying even on Christmas." Ace says as he jumps off the counter.

He takes Amelia off of me and takes her with him.

I take a beer out of the fridge and look at my parents who seemed to be exchanging looks. "What now?" I ask.

"Its a bit rude of you to be ignoring your own wife on Christmas?" My dad says.

"Why am I always the problem? Maybe she messed up and I can't be mad?"

"No you can't? She just lost a baby Kenz. Shes clearly going through a difficult time. Youre a doctor you should know what that does to your body." Serena says.

"I understand but I am patient. Walking on eggshells everything pisses her off. She wants to have another baby and shes not moving past it."

"So you dont want another child?" Tristan asks me.

"No." I say. "Not right now?"

"Because of work or because?" Serena asks

"Why we rushing into everything? Were young? Careers just started. I feel like one child is enough responsibility."

"I understand..." My dad says as he nods.

"Maybe you need to speak to Tara... I am sure you guys can work this out." Serena says.

"I dont know what to do or even say to her." I tell them. "Shes mad at me and I cannot be caring and thoughtful Mckenzie right now.."

"Well Kenz, I do not think you have a choice here. You have responsibilities as a husband and a father." My dad says. "Suck it up and make a decision about what you want to do. Nobody said being in a relationship or being a father is easy." I know he was right but damn, easier said than done. I missed Tara even though she was just in the other room.

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