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Toby POV

We had a week off from the games and practice. I was on top of my game and the pressure was insane. We were carrying the school into championships again. Knowing we won last year just added more pressure. I felt like I was on constant repeat and floating around.

I spent the week at Omar's apartment where a 7 day party had taken place. I havent been home in a while. Ice hockey was off season and Omar was now single and we have been getting drunk, sleeping with girls and partying. I felt like shit waking up. Another level of hungover. I was more than hungover. I felt shit. I am not sure what I even took? The walls were spinning and my ears were making a high pitched sound.

"Shit." I say walking into the kitchen. The party was still going on. "What time is it?" I ask Omar who was throwing dollars at the half naked girls dancing on the kitchen counter. I take the cash and throw it up across the whole kitchen. As the dollars come down, I watch Omar stopping and the laughs stop as I watch my mother and father walk into the room.

"Jesus fucking Christ." My mom says as she grabs a 100 dollar bill out the air.

"Everyone down and out." My mom yells out. My dad had stopped the music. 

Slowly the apartment drains the people out. "You guys have lost your goddamn mind." My mom says as she grabs Omar pulling him back. He was double her size and was still being moved around by my tiny mother in high heels.

"We havent seen you over a week." My dad says. "You dont look good at all."

I rub my eyes and sit down. "We were just partying. I had a week off."

My dad looks at Omar's eyes. "What did you guys take?"

"I dont know... our friends just brought shit over." I say. "Youre high as a kite and its not fucking weed."

"You need to get this apartment clean. You need a shower and a fucking cleanse." My mom says pulling me up. "Strippers? Is that what were doing?"

I go home with my parents and every minute I felt worse. I was not sure what I took it. I laid in the back seat and could hear my parents vaguely talking. I walk into the house and collapse on the sofa.

"Whats wrong with him?" Mckenzie says walking in his blue scrubs.

"He had a 7 day bender and took drugs he doesnt even know."  My dad says.

Mckenzie kneels down next to me and pulls my eyes open. I feel like I am about to pass out. "I think he might have OD'd. You need a hospital."  He says as he sits me up, the room is spinning and I cant focus my sight anymore.

I pass out.

I wake up and there is lights everywhere. My eyes hurt and my head hurt. I fall back asleep again. I wake up again, same thing happens. It frustrated me and made me angry all over again.

When I wake up finally, I hear voices clear in the room. It was my parents. They seemed to be arguing. I try to open my eyes but they were heavy.

"My kid is in hospital. Youre talking about parenting?" My dad says annoyed.

"Yeah because you just let him get away with everything."

"What do you want me to do? Send him to military school? Newsflash hes an adult."

"Fuck you Tristan." My mom says. "If I lose my child I'm never going to forgive you for this." My mom starts crying. Was I dying or already dead? I finally manage to open my eyes. My dad was holding my mom as he wrapped his arms around her.

The door opens and Mckenzie steps in. He wore his scrubs. He looks at our parents and then at me his eyes widened. "Eh? Hes awake!"

He runs over to me and I looks at me. "You are fine bro."

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