Twenty one.

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Toby's POV

The Suarez' dealt with anything outside of the USA especially New York. My grandad ran New York in his day and Ace and my dad were his buyers and they used his supply. There was a shift when my grandfather switched international and Ace and my dad took over the city.

My mother's side of the family dealt with arms, weapons, drugs and unfortunately dealt in the trafficking game. My mom and dad kept me away from that ofcourse but I heard little rumours and caught bits of conversation. My dad and uncle did strictly drugs and weapons. They were so far out the game, people dealt with all of this and they had miminal involvement apart from oversight. Thousands of people were involved.

My mom had nothing to do with her brother's businesses or my father's actually. She wasnt into any illegal activities funny enough.

I was surprised to find Vince at the bar when I went with Zara to settle the debt. Vince was my cousin. He was my mom's oldest brother's son. The guy was irritating on a new level.

"Fuck me, little Toby." He says smirking.

"You know him?" Zara says confused. "Funny enough. Yeah. Hes my cousin." I tell her as I sit on the bar stool.

"Where is Martie?" Zara asks. "He's actually in Atlanta right now. Asked me to collect the money. How can I say no to my oldest friend? Or the sister of my other oldest friend."

I forgot Zara was from Atlanta originally. Vince spent most of his life with his mom down there and only moved here couple years back because his mom couldnt handle him anymore and sent him to his dad here in New York. First thing he did when he got here was tell some idiots Ace's address leading to a robbery.

"So what? You got the money?"

"Yeah you asshole." She says as she hands him the envelope. Vince was a great A asshole. Probably why I never see him. He counts the cash.

"Oh forgot he wanted 5k more for the delay and troubles. Hes been calling you non stop."

"Tell your friend to go fuck himself." I say seeing Vince trying to bully Zara. "You just gonna collect the debt forever. Youre so fucking pathetic Vince."

I sigh getting my phone out calling uncle Theo.

"Uncle Theo." I say grinning at Vince whose blood drains. I was not in the streets. I am snitching. Also uncle Theo didnt play no games. It was no joke. He would beat Vince ass if I told him his son was here extorting girls.

"No 5k needed?" Zara says and he takes the envelope. "Debt settled." He says as he gets up and leaves.

"Toby you good?" He asks

"I am yes. Just saw Vince so I thought why not call my uncle and say hi?"

"Youre a good kid Toby. Strange but good." He laughs. Some small talk, I end the call.

"You're the best." Zara says to me as I pull her in kissing her lips. 

I have spent two nights in Zara's little tiny apartment and her roommate was having enough. I wasnt ready to go home. I just felt disappointed by the responses I was getting. They wasnt very supportive and I was pretty sure I am in love with Zara.

My mom called me a million times but I didn't want to hear it. 

Adele calls me as I was having drinks with Zara. I cant ignore her because maybe Storm or Stassie was in trouble.

"Yo." I say answering.

"Toby. Come join us for dinner please." She says

"Im with my girlfriend."

Light Me On Fire.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz