Fourty Five

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Mckenzie's POV

Birthday from hell seems to be an accurate description. I woke up in a hospital bed feeling panicked. They checked me out and I have obtained some stupid injuries like bruises and a twisted ankle. A slight concussion after being knocked out for 16 hours.

They wouldnt let me see Tara and she was in a different hospital. After finally being discharged, I leave with Tristan and go find Tara. They told me the baby did not make it.. Tara was okay and also sent home. We get to the hotel and I walk into the suite. Adele and Serena were standing by the kitchen area. Adele and Serena were way out and didnt have any harm fall upon them which I was thankful for.

The brawl kept coming to find me and I wasnt sure how it all escalated. I was also slightly drunk. I barely remember anything but finding some guy groping Tara making me lose it.

"Hey." Serena says as she gets up.

"Where is Tara?" I say. "Bedroom. Shes sleeping." I am already up the stairs and walk into the bedroom. My ankle hurt like a bitch. Tara was laying in bed and seemed to be asleep. She had the covers over her and her long blonde hair was spread across the pillow. She looked pale, her cheeks puffy and rosy.

I kneel down beside her and trace her cheek softly. "Hey.." I say and her eyes flutter open. She looks at me for a second and straight away she starts sobbing.

"Im sorry Tara... I am so sorry." I say feeling my heart break a million times. I kiss her face and push her hair out of her face. I climb onto the bed and hug her tight.

"I had less than 24 hours with the baby." She says. "I couldnt protect it or keep it safe."

"I couldnt protect it or keep it safe." I say feeling the guilt run through me.

We lay there for 30 minutes until Tara turns around and looks at me. "Im sorry your birthday was a shit show."

"Dont apologize for that. That fight turned ugly. Nothing we could predict?"

"Oh God your face." She says. "You have a black eye... bruised cheek and busted lip."

"How many peoples did I fight?" I chuckle and she smiles. "No idea... God. I feel like someone ran me over with a bus."

"Can we go home. I just want to hold Amelia and be home with you guys."

"Yes please." She says and I kiss her lips. She gets up and I get up with her. She was wearing grey sweats and a hoodie. She slides socks on her feet and walks downstairs with me.

"Hey." Toby says as he was laying on the sofa.

"Hey." Tara says as Adele hugs her. "Did you sleep?"

"Yeah. I slept." She says. "Until he woke me up." She says pointing at me and I chuckle sitting down. My dad and Ace walk into the room and he hands me his phone. "Your mom." He says

"Hey mom." I say. "How is Amelia?"

"She is fine. She is having a nap." She tells me. "I couldnt get a hold of you. Or Tara."

"I lost my phone last night." I say. "Sorry McKenzie. Tristan told me about what happened."

"Thanks mom. Were coming back home."

"I understand. Take care of Tara."

"I will mom. Ill call you later." I tell her before handing my dad his phone back.

"You guys want to go back home?" My dad asks and I nod.

"I'll get the jet ready." He says.

"Where are the other idiots?" I ask.

Light Me On Fire.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin