Tough love- Chapter nine; Lesson two; Fight.

Start from the beginning

I so didn't say that.

"If I'm teaching you this, you need to learn how to take a punch. That wasn't even nearly as hard as I could've hit you. Now stand up straight. Your first mistake, was with posture."

I sighed and did as I was told. I stood up straight. He nodded and got into the right position. "Now straighten your back and stick one leg behind you, not to far. Then Bend your knees a little and your hands were already good."

I did exactly that and he nodded. "Always keep your hands fisted. Dot ever try and stretch your fingers during the fight. That can mess you up. Now throw a punch."

I threw another one and he used his forearm to push away my arm. Then he threw another punch at my stomach. I fell out of position and held my stomach. "Shit Zach! Stop hitting so hard!" I yelled. He sighed in frustration.

"Learn. How. To Take. A hit." he said. I sighed and got back into position. "Now when I throw a punch back at you, you can either grab my wrist, or use a block. Upper block, Lower block, Middle block, and reverse middle block." He said, showing me every type of block. I nodded and tried remembering them.

"Also.... don't leave open space." He said, throwing another punch to my stomach. I grunted and arched forward. "I wish I had a knife." I mumbled. Zach chuckled. "You won't when you learn." I shook my head and stood up again. Okay, come on, Alex. You can do this. Think ahead. If he comes for your lower area, do lower block. Middle area, you have to choices of blocks. Upper area, upper block. Now to et with speed.

I took deep breaths. I can do this. I can do this. Zach looked almost amused at me. Seeing me fail and him using me as a punching bag. He seems to have fun watching me like this.

I now throw a punch towards his chest. I decided to try something new. When he tried to block me and I saw it, I pulled back that fist, and at the same time, I threw my opposite hand.

I hit him right in the face.

His head jerked back and I stood up straight. I covered my mouth with my hands. "Oh my god, Zach. Im so sorry. I didn't-" Next thing I knew, I was on the floor from the impact of him punching my stomach. This one hurt worse. And I had a feeling it was because I hit him In the face. I forced myself not to cry.

"I told you, you'd have to learn how to take a hit. I did to. This," he pointed to his bloody lip. "Is nothing. Now get up."

I grunted an held my stomach as I pushed myself to my feet. "What ever happened to boys can't hit girls?"

"That rule disappeared when you asked for my help. You need self defence." I sighed and got into position...... again. Zach didn't even wait for me to get rest before throwing a lower punch. I lower blocked. Oh my god.... he didn't hit me!

He smirked and did a middle punch. I did reverse middle block. I smiled and he then frowned. Now angry. Ha, serves him right for hitting me. Next thing I know, I'm on the floor and the side of my head hurts. Ah great, he used his special move and it me on the ridge hand. Yay.

"Shit." I mumbled, pushing myself up. I rubbed my temple and shook my head, trying to rid the pain. I took a deep breath. "This is harder than I thought." Zach smirked. "This isn't even including kicks."



"See, your a natural with kicks. Like its in your blood." I shrugged and kicked the punching bag again. "So I guess like driving." I answered back. He chuckled and punched the punching bag beside me, doing other stuff with it. "I doubt you can beat me." He sounded too cocky.

"I bet I can. Give me month and we'll see." Zach chuckled and lightly smacked the back of my head. Then walked over to the mats. "Come on. You've got one more hour before you have to be home."

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