Chapter 26

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After their first song became a hit on YouTube, the group decided to celebrate by having a big dinner together. Jin, who's good at cooking, took the lead in the kitchen, with Jungkook offering to help, though things got a little messy.

"Alright, guys, get ready for a feast!" Jin exclaimed proudly, pretending to be a chef, while Jungkook accidentally knocked over some spices.

"Oops! My bad," Jungkook chuckled nervously as Jin shot him a playful glare.

As the delicious smell of food filled the air, everyone gathered around the table, eager to dig in.

"Wow, Jin Hyung, this looks amazing!" Taehyung exclaimed, eyeing the food hungrily.

Jin grinned proudly as he served up the dishes, feeling like a master chef.

With their stomachs satisfied, the group decided to play truth or dare.

"Who's up for a game?" Jungkook suggested with a mischievous glint in his eye.

As the game started with Taehyung spun the bottle and stopped on Jin.

"Alright, Jin Hyung, truth or dare?" Taehyung asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Jin grinned, ready for whatever challenge was thrown his way. "Dare, of course!"

"I dare you to serenade Jungkook with a love song!" Taehyung declared with a smirk, earning a round of cheers and laughter from the group.

Jungkook's face turned beet red, but his eyes sparkled with mirth. Three others were trying to understand what was happening as Jin completed his dare.

As the game of truth or dare continued, the group's creativity knew no bounds, leading to a series of hilarious and heartwarming moments.

"Okay, Taehyung, truth or dare?" Jimin asked with a grin when the bottle landed on Taehyung.

Taehyung grinned back, ready for whatever challenge his friend had in store. "Dare!"

"I dare you to confess your biggest crush in this room!" Jimin declared, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Taehyung's cheeks flushed pink as he glanced around the room, considering his options before finally pointing at Jimin with a playful wink. "Alright, my biggest crush is... !"

Taehyung took a shot and drank it, as couldn't say the name, or he wasn't aware of the name of his crush, but surely his cheeks turned red when Jimin asked him. They were all disappointed as Taehyung didn't mention the name of his crush.

Meanwhile, Jhope, Suga, and RM had been watching the game unfold with amusement, occasionally chiming in with their own dares and truths.

"Alright, Suga hyung, truth or dare?" Jhope asked a playful sparkle in his eye.

Suga raised an eyebrow, knowing he was in for trouble no matter what he chose. "Dare."

"I dare you to perform a rap about love!" Jhope aked.

Suga groaned playfully, but he rose to the challenge, delivering a hilarious and surprisingly heartfelt rap about the ups and downs of romance, much to the amusement of the group.

Meanwhile, RM found himself the target of a particularly daring dare from Taehyung.

"Okay, RM hyung, I dare you to make your best impression of a famous celebrity or a model!" Taehyung challenged with a grin.

RM chuckled, knowing he was about to embarrass himself but willing to play along for the sake of fun. "Alright, here goes nothing!"

As RM launched into his impression, the group erupted into laughter, thoroughly entertained by his antics.

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