Chapter 12

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"Hey," Jimin just whispered when he reached near Tae, and found he was staring outside. He looked back at the source of the sound.

"Oh, hey," Taehyung said, surprised to see a black-hair guy, there.

"I hope, I haven't disturbed you," Jimin said, his feet just automatically led him to the boy.

"Nah, I wasn't doing anything particular," Taehyung said diminishing all of his thoughts at that moment to focus on the guy standing in front of him. "How is your first day going here" Taehyung continued...

"It's good, lectures were good and we made new friends on the first day as well, I hope we did," Jimin said, whispering the last few words,

Taehyung heard him all and completely, "Yes, you did, I never intended to be mean or something, that just came out wrong, I'm sorry" Taehyung told him, pouting.

"That's okay, jhope is just a bit sensitive" Jimin tried to ease the situation, his attention was on the pouting guy, he wondered how he could look so handsome and adorable at the same time in casual clothes. He breathed.

"I will apologize to him, you are not angry with me"? Taehyung questioned

"NO, I wasn't, and you gave your explanation," Jimin told him

Suddenly, thoughts came into Taehyung's mind, he was trying not to think anything at the moment, but this answer from Jimin made him realize this guy is so non-judgmental, probably looks positive in situations or he is not bothered by it.

"Scenery is so beautiful from this side, it looks beautiful," Jimin said, bringing Tae back from his thoughts.

"Yeah, it is," Taehyung said, moving his eyes from Jimin to the scenery. They spent some time there, just standing and watching the view, that silence was peaceful for them.

"Guys, come inside let's eat something" Their attention from the view got broken when JK shouted for them.

All of them left for the cafe, ate together, and spent some quality time, it was when both best friends left because of their classes.

"We will see you guys soon, bye," Jhope and Jimin said goodbyes and left. Taehyung looked at them going away, thinking about the time they spent on the balcony.


Taehyung dropped JK at his place and left for his home. He thought of spending time in his home for now but regretted it when he reached home.

"Where is JK, has he not come"? Taehyung's dad asked.

"He has his apartment to live in, why would he come here"? Taehyung questioned back.

"Sweetheart, what your dad means is you two are always together, he was here yesterday as well, so why not today"? Taehyung's mom tried to explain.

"I just wanted to be back and in my room and he has his life to live," Taehyung answered, he was hungry, he didn't eat anything after their group lunch and he spent the entire day there. Now he just wanted to go to his room.

"Well, his life should revolve around you, as you are soon to be life partners," his dad said to him, not minding any of taehyungs answers.

"Seriously, I thought you guys were joking, now it's time for you to drop this topic," Taehyung said getting irritated

"You are an ungrateful brat tae, use your brain, and start thinking of yourself as his groom Because you are going to marry him at the end,"  his dad said, getting angry now.

"Okay, go to your room taehyung, I'll send you your meal there" his Mom intervened, when she noticed her husband was angry and her son was about to shout back.

It was a lot for Taehyung to understand, he glared at his dad and locked himself in his room. Straight going to the balcony, taking some fresh air. He couldn't spot the moon 🌙 today, because of clouds, but the fresh air and sky were helping him to relax, and calm down.

He doesn't remember how long he was standing there and thinking about all the happenings, he was rebellious because his parents never asked him about anything, only they would decide about his life happenings, not giving any importance to him at all. He felt himself worthless here.

After thinking about so many thinkings he got tired, went to his room, and changed his clothes, there was untouched food on the table, but he ignored it and went to his bed.


The first day was tiring and hectic for both of them, after taking their classes they reached their hostel, to freshen up.

Jimin locked his room and went to J-hope's room, telling him how he loved his first day.

"You are very excited and energetic at this place, hopefully, we will have a good time ahead as well," Jhope said

"Don't worry, we will, even though we have new friends now" Jimin exclaimed.

"From friends, I got to remember, you were there with Taehyung on the balcony, was everything alright"? Jhope asked looking all concerned.

"Yeah, we were just talking, he is a good guy, you know anyone can have a bad day" Jimin tried to reason his friend about Taehyung. He wanted to clear the image of Taehyung in front of his friend.

"Hn, I had a good time with him and the rest of the others as well, but still maintain some distance, don't get close to anyone" Jhope instructed him.

"Why" Jimin asked not understanding what his friend wanted to say.

"I'm just saying jiminie, take your time before getting close to anyone here, it's a big city and people are different here," J-hope said

"Okay, though I'm not getting close to anyone here" Jimin innocently told him.

"You are just so innocent and cute for this world, aren't you"? Jhope cooed at the cutest person on earth, standing in front of him.

"Hn, I'm not cute though," Jimin said, pouting more.

"Sure, one more thing, we will have to start job hunting, getting a part-time job for our expenses," Jhope told him, moving towards his closet.

"Hn, we will go tomorrow then," Jimin said and left for his room.

He reached his room, made himself a cup of tea, and went to the balcony, standing there. He has always hoped to have a better future than the present, not to let anyone disturb his peace of heart, no matter how chaotic his life is, and the moon is the witness of this. After spending some time there he came back to his room, did his Uni work, ironed his clothes which he will wear tomorrow, and went for a shower, he will sleep after taking the shower.

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