The shadows of Riverdale(part 1)

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(This story is a request from my bestie Juggiejones0201,I really hope you like this one luv!!❤️🩷)

This is a kind of RiverdalexStranger things one-shot!

TW⚠️:Please be aware that this story contains description of captivity, isolation,psychological and physical torment.Read with caution and please if anything feels triggering to you skip this part!



Our story is about a town, a small town nestled amidst rolling hills and bathed in golden sunlight, a place of innocence and beauty. The name of this town was Riverdale and it was a haven, where laughter filled the air and happiness danced in every corner.

The streets were lined with charming houses, their colorful facades reflecting the vibrant spirits of the people who live in it. Neatly manicured gardens bloomed with countless, colorful flowers, their delicate petals swaying gently in the breeze. Children played in the town square, their laughter echoing through the streets.

Teenagers roamed the town, their youthful energy palpable. They spent their days exploring, their hearts filled with dreams and aspirations. The world was their oyster, and with every step they took, they painted the town with their vibrant personalities.

Families, united by love and warmth, found solace in the simplicity of their lives. They shared meals together, evenings spent strolling through the town, hand in hand, as the setting sun cast a warm glow on their faces.

But as the town faded into the depths of the surrounding forest, away from prying eyes and curious whispers, a different tale unfolded. In the heart of the wilderness, hidden from the world, was a seventeen years old boy, trapped within the confines of a mysterious laboratory, his life cruelly being ripped away from him.

This poor boy, with powers beyond comprehension is confined to those sterile white walls, each one a reminder of the life he has been denied. Painful experiments are inflicted upon him, leaving scars both seen and unseen.

His memories are a blur, distorted by the agony he endures. All he can recall are those piercing stares of his captors and the excruciating experiments that test the limits of his powers. It is a life devoid of love, of freedom, and of hope.

In the depths of his isolation, the boy yearns for a taste of the world beyond those walls. His heart aches for the simple pleasures that others take for granted. But for now, he remains a prisoner, his spirit crushed under the weight of his extraordinary abilities.

He had never felt the warmth of the sun on his face or the touch of grass beneath his feet,the rains scent.The memories of a life he had never lived haunted his dreams, as he yearned for a taste of freedom beyond those breathtaking walls.

In the silence of his captivity, the boy's heart ached for the simple joys he had been denied. His only companions were the echoes of his own cries, unheard by the outside world because after all,little did the perfect town of Riverdale know, nestled in its blissful ignorance,that beyond the verdant veil of trees, where sunlight dances and whispers of the leaves and breeze interwine,the torments and the bloody screams of that innocent boy and so many other children
were trapped within those sterile white walls.It was his destiny and it was slowly taking his life away.

But in contrast to the people of this town,there was a certain person who slept and woke up with the idea that something bad was happening behind those towering trees.It was a sheriff who has seen a lot in his life and was put through a lot of challenges.He was a really good person,everybody liked and respected him but everyone turned their back and called him crazy when he started sharing his beliefs about that certain laboratory but he didn't care,he didn't stop and will find what is hiding behind those doors.

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