Torn apart(part one)

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Betty's POV

Love,a really powerful word.A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection,a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.Love. It's the basis of many novels, films, and songs. It can make us crazy, in both good ways and bad.

We grow up with ideas of love from the films we watch, and as enjoyable as romantic movies are, they aren't always the most realist.

So for many of us, knowing what real love feels like is a complete mystery.

We spend a good portion of our lives searching for love, hearing about love, seeing love around us, and finally wondering whether we are in love when we are in a relationship.

Also home can be much more than just a physical place, you can feel it in people too. When you are really in love, that person can make you feel a number of emotions, such as:
safe,comfortable when around them,secure in your relationship,content and relaxed.
The cliche that you feel euphoria, happiness and overwhelming joy can be true when you're in love, but in reality you'll probably experience a mix of emotions.
You might feel vulnerable, scared or confused to lose that person.
Love has the ability to make you feel on top of the world, but it can also feel like you're losing control to something bigger than yourself.
Suddenly, you become aware that if you ever lose that person, your life might change significantly, so it's natural to feel a roller coaster of feelings and emotions.
Thats how i felt ,that how he made me feel but as they say,the world didnt wanted us to be together,it was written to end like this ,with two broken hearts ,two empty souls watching each other as they know deep down that they are never gonna be back together,they are never gonna feel each other again ,they are never going to say i love you and they are going to die with this flame in their souls.


I was just woken up from the alarm,that stupit thing.I got up,changed,got my schoolbag and went downstairs being met with my mom.

A-Elizabeth good morning.

B-morning ,i'm going to leave now ,i'm late.

A-Dont forget that we have the Andrews tonight for dinner.

B-What?Mom no.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you trying to marry me with Archie?You know really well that i dont like him.

A-Well,as long as you are living under our roof,you are going to do what we are telling,its not your choice to make.

B-What?This is all bullshit.If you think i'm gonna do that...than you are deluded.

I said and took my bag to leave but she grabbed me by my arm and turned me back.

A-Listen to me young lady,dont think that you are going to get away from this,you are going to marry him because thats what me and your father wants and you know really well what happens when you disobey us.

She said graping me harder.

B-s..stop ,you are hurting me.

A-ow really?You havent seen anything yet,you dont know for what we are capable of a good girl you are going to listen your paeents,now go,you are gonna be late.

She said and left my arm.

B-I fucking hate you!!-i said

A-dont you d...-she tried to say but i shut the door and left.

Why?Why are they doing this?Why cant they understand me?I hate them,i hate all of this,i'm so fucking tired.So much pressure is choking me.
As i was walking to school all these thoughts came running in my mind and tears tried to make their way out .As i arrived i took a deep breath and got inside.

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