My saviour

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TW-This part contains suicide attempt and mentions of self-harm.If you are uncomfortable with these topics please skip this part.


I'm so tired,tired of everyone and everything.I just want this pain to go away,I want to rest.Everyone has left me,I'm lonely all the time,crying and hurting myself while everyone that I thought that cared and loved me continue with their perfect lifes,happy, something that I'm sure I will never be so...that's why I'm here now,in the edge of this bridge.

No one will care,no one will even notice,just do it Betty,don't be an coward-the voice in my mind said.

And unfortunately I always believe this voice because I know really well that everything it says is true.No one is here,no one will care,everyone abandoned me so...what's the point.Let just get over this and leave everything behind.

And that's when I took a step ahead and then another one until I was a step away from death.I was sure,I wanted this,I wanted the end.The scars on my arms and legs are only reminding me my miserable life,a life that have lost its meaning a long time ago.Empty,that's how I felt,that's how I was,a human body with a dead soul.

It was time,no turning back.And like that I closed my eyes and took that step.I didnt felt anything,just... strange,the air blowing into my face,that's it,I did it,I'm free.Well that's what I thought until I opened my eyes and realised I was still here,still in this bridge,nothing had happened only that this time someone had grapped my arm really tightly,not letting me go.

?-please don't.

It was a boys voice,it was soft but it sounded he was crying.I didn't turn,I didn't saw him,I just wanted to end what I started.

B-let go of my arm.(I said to him)

?-no,I won't.Please let's get a little bit away from the edge.Please,let's talk,I'm here for you.

B-theres nothing to say.I have made my mind.

?-but you don't understand.This is wrong.You are so young,you have so much to do,to explore.You are beautiful and have so many opportunities ahead.Everyone deserves to live excluding the condition.Everyone deserves to be happy,you deserve to live and be happy.Dont do this to yourself,please listen to me, just let's go and we'll think something out.Whatever is bothering you we'll get rid of it.No one deserves to go like this,please.

I thought it for a moment.Everyone deserves to live excluding the condition.I deserve to live.

B-i can't.


B-because life has been really mean to me and I can't do this.

I said and then I saw him coming next to me.

?-if you do it,I'll jump with you.

He said and I immediately turned my head to him.He...he was so ...beautiful.He had deep blue eyes just like the water under us,raver wavy  hair under a beany.He...he looked like an angel,a beautiful angel.

?-please let's go.(he said and starred at me)


J-come on(he said and took my hand,heading me away from the bridge)

As soon as we got away I stared at him and I collapsed on the road,sobbing and he immediately came and hugged me.

?-shhh everything is okay,you are okay.I got you.(he said with his soft voice while we stayed in that position for a little bit until I calmed down)

B-t...thank you uhm..

J-Jughead,my name is Jughead.

B-Betty(I said and I gave him a little smile)

Bughead -sad one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now