Polar Opposites (part four)

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TW:This part contains adult language!!

TIME JUMP(three weeks later)

T-Jones,where the hell have you been again?(said Toni running to me as soon as I appeared in the schools hallways )

J-hi to you too Toni.(I said and she came to hug me)

T-im serious ,you know how much worried I get when you disappear like that,it's been three weeks.

J-i know,I know I just,dad send me away on some..."business".Come on,you knew about it.

T-yea i did but I also knew how dangerous are the "businesses " he sends you to.

J-Toni,I'm fine, you don't need to worry,it would have been way worse If I didn't go and you know it.

T-yea,you're right I just...

J-lets not talk about this anymore ,tell me ,how have you all been here all this time i was gone?Also,have you talked to Betty ,I haven't seen her and she also doesn't answer the phone...I'm getting kind of worried.

T-yea for that...(she said and stared at her feet)

J-whats wrong Toni?Is Betty okay??(I said ,now getting concerned)

T-well,the day you left ,after your date at the park...(she started saying but then stopped)

J-just say it Toni.

T-someone saw you two at the park,took photos and.... showed them to...Alice.

J-what?(I said totally shocked,how could this be possible)

J-oh God,no,no,no I can't believe it,who the fuck was stalking us?!

T-no one knows...

J-what about Betts?Is she okay with all of this,did Alice said anything, did she do anything,oh God its all my fault, i should have been more careful.Who knows what is she going through now ?They are gonna fucking kill us...come on Toni talk to me....(I said getting angrier as she didn't answer me)

T-Jug,Alice got really angry with her ,she threatened to kick her out if she continued this thing between you two and.....she got her out of school too.

J-what??That bitc...How could she do that??

T-she's being home-schooled though and she's...okay,as much as she can, trapped in that house.I have been talking with her secretly when Alice was asleep of course,thats the only time she could take her phone without her realizing... she has been concerned about you.

J-cant believe this is happening, I'm gonna find that asshole that took the pictures and kick his ass...

T-well hero of the day,we dont need any more problems ,okay?!So calm down.

J-i need to go.(I said in hurry )

T-where?You just came!!

J-i need to see Betts,she needs me.

T-Jug,no.You'll....if Alice sees you ,you'll make everything worse.

J-i don't care Toni,I love Betty okay, and she needs me now.I don't care about her evil mom or anyone who wants to put us apart.Also...I have my own way to get into her room without being seen,she won't see me.

T-mmm okay then,just be carefully and know that...I'm here for everything you guys might need, okay?

J-okay,thanks Toni,see you later.(I said and started running down the hallway)

T-give Betty a hug from me(I heard her say and I just gave her a thumbs up)
On my way to Betty's house a million of thoughts were running through my mind.With everyone knowing things will get way too complicated, they'll try to tear us apart ,to destroy every feeling but I... i don't want to lose her.
Does Fp know about all of this??Oh God if he knows he wouldn't let it slide like that,there will be consequences and I knew it.But right now I don't care...I just want to see if she's okay,anyway I have gone through way worse.
As I arrived at her house I ran behind the building and got the ladder.Slowly I made my way on her window and I looked inside.There she was,my beautiful princess. She was laying on her bed staring at the wall,her eyes were red and puffy.It broke my heart to see her in that state.She hadn't realized I was there so I quietly knocked on the glass and her head turned quickly.

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