Love letters♡ (Part two)

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Days turned into weeks, and yet, I couldn't shake the memory of that fateful encounter at the library. Thoughts of him consumed my mind, weaving their way into every facet of my existence. The boy with no name,the one with those piercing  ocean eyes and warming smile remained a constant presence in my thoughts and dreams.

In the depths of my heart, I held onto a glimmer of hope that our paths would cross once more. I yearned for that serendipitous moment when our eyes would meet and the connection we had felt through his letter would be reignited. But as time went on, doubt started to creep in.

I couldn't help but question if our encounter had been nothing more than a fleeting illusion, a beautiful yet ephemeral fragment of my imagination. The library became both a sanctuary of solace and a source of torment. I would find myself wandering its aisles, searching for a trace of him, hoping that fate would intervene and bring us together once again.

But as the days stretched into weeks, the library remained silent, devoid of his presence. It was as if he had slipped away into the shadows, leaving me to navigate the labyrinth of my thoughts and emotions alone. I yearned for closure, for answers to the questions that plagued my restless mind.

In the stillness of the night, I would re-read his letter, tracing the words with my fingertips, as if the paper held the key to unraveling the mystery of our connection. The emotions he had stirred within me were both exhilarating and terrifying. I was caught in a whirlwind of longing and uncertainty, unsure of what the future held.

My mind was urging me to move on, to forget about the enigmatic boy who had captured my heart. But how could I forget someone who had awakened a dormant part of my soul? Each passing day only deepened my affection, entwining our destinies in a tapestry of missed chances and unspoken words.

And so, I continued to visit the library, hoping against hope that fate would finally smile upon us. The shelves whispered tales of love and possibility, inspiring me to hold onto the belief that our story was far from over. For in the depths of my being, I knew that our connection was too profound to be left to mere chance.

              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

As i stepped into the library, a sense of anticipation mingled with a touch of disappointment.Yes,I had arrived with hopeful expectation, but once again, he was nowhere to be seen. A wave of sadness threatened to wash over me but this time I knew that I had to listen to my mind.

Ready to turn away, i took one last look around, my eyes scanning the familiar shelves and reading nooks. Just as i was about to leave, defeated by the absence of his presence, a gentle voice called out to her.

R-Betty honey,wait a minute(Miss Robin said as she approached me,curiosity sparking within me,not sure what to expect)

R-i have something for you(she whispered to my ear as she got a small, delicately folded envelope with a white ,beautiful rose on top of it from  behind her back)

B-is that....(I asked shocked as i got the letter in my trembling hands)

R-yes darling, he came this morning in to hope to find you here but you weren't so he left me the letter for you and told me to tell you that he's really sorry for disappearing like that.

When i saw his letter in my hand,my emotions intensified.My eyes widened with surprise and my heart raced with a mix of excitement and anticipation. It was as if a flicker of hope ignited within me, illuminating my face with a radiant smile.I couldn't help but feel a surge of joy and curiosity, eagerly awaiting the contents of the letter and the connection it would bring. In that moment,my emotions danced with a delightful blend of surprise, happiness, and the thrilling prospect of what the letter held.

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