Polar Opposites (part seven)

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TW⚠️:This part contains adult language and mentions of substances. If you feel uncomfortable with these topics, please skip this part!


Reality came back to me like crashing when I woke up,feeling like my head was gonna explode.My eyes felt so heavy and my body as a truck has just hit me.

I slowly got up,not knowing where I was nor what has happened the day before,everything erased from my memory.Everything was spinning and I really felt like throwing up.

J-Where the hell am i?!(I asked myself slowly ,turning around and that's when I realized where i was)

J-what am i still doing here?(i asked as I got my phone with my shaking hands seeing that is already the next day.Countless of missed calls and messages were jumping off the screen.Betty,oh God she must be so worried,why did I ended in here in the first place?)

Getting on my coat,i made my way out of the room,seeing the bar empty.My mind is still fuzzy,trying to figure out what the hell happened.I came here...to meet with Toni and then...nothing.Ugh God.

Despite my unbearable headache, i ran as fast as I could to the trailer park.I really needed to see and talk to Betty,i have probably worried her.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and slowly got inside.

J-God Betts I'm so so sorry,I..I don't know what happened and....(I started saying but stopped to my tracks when I saw Betty,my heart aching)

J-w..what are you doing Betts?(I asked concerned as I saw her furiously packing a suitcase)

Silence, not a single word and that's when everything around me started shattering.

J-Betts talk to me babe!(I said taking her hands into mine)

B-dont you dare touch me ever again Jughead!(she shouted,pushing me away)

J-what is going on?What happened?

B-ohh what happened?Dont play dump with me,the masks finally fall and thank God i realized who you really are.You know pretty well what the fuck happened.(she said furious and that's when I realized she has been crying, her eyes puffy)

B-how could you?After everything we have been through..after everything i have done for you....and you still dare to come in here like nothing happened.God...I was such a fool to fall for a person like you.(she now shouted to me, tears running down her face)

J-Betts I'm s...sorry...I.. don't know w..what happened!I..
I sw..swear I didn't drink...I just I don't know what the hell happened.

B-oh really?!So you met Toni,didnt you?

J-umm...I.. no she...she never came.

B-oh really?Well thats probably because she never asked to fucking meet you in the first place.

J-what?No,she...she said...

B- i have gotten enough of this bullshit!

J-you think I'm lying Betty?(I said in disbelief)

B-no,I don't think you're lying, I think you're a scumbag Jughead.

J-what?(I said not believing my ears as tears appeared in my eyes)

J-y..you d...don't mean t..that.

B-oh really?Do you know what i mean Jughead?!I mean that youre a fucking ungrateful looser.I cant believe you had the courage to do this to me,to us!
Wasn't I enough?I left everything behind for you,my friends,my family, my fucking life and you took the first chance to take my heart and shatter it like I'm a fucking doll.But do you know what hurts the most?Hurts knowing that everyone was fucking right,so fucking right about you but I was so blindly in love with you to realise where i got myself into.(she screamed to me as I sat there staring at her,heartbroken,not knowing what was happening.)

Bughead -sad one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon