Back together.

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So.... this oneshot is inspired by 21×02 but with a kind of different storyline in the ending.

Betty's POV

B-God,J...Jug,where are you?You worried me so much.(I said trembling from the relief after hearing his voice and that he was okay.I have been calling him for hours.)

J-B...Betty babe(he said and i realised he was crying)

B-Juggy,whats wrong?Are you okay?

J-Betty,i want you to know that....i love you Betty,so much.

B-Jug,what?Where are you?Answer me,are you okay?

J-goodbye Juliet.

B-No,no no Jug don't.....(i said but hanged up)

B-don't hang up.(Anxiety started raising in my body.What happened?Why did he talked like that, i was never gonna see him again.In the moment i started crying .I had to find him and immediately so i called Fp.

B-Fp,do you know where Jughead is?

Fp-No,we had like a fight earlier and i left him at the trailer.Why?


Fp-Betty,calm down and start again.

B-He c..called me and started saying some strange things he was saying goodbye.

Fp-What?God....i know where is he.Come to the Pops ,now.

B-ok(i said and got out of the house running to Pops)

When i arrived i saw Fp talking to someone at the phone.

Fp-Answer damn it.(He yelled)

Fp-Ow thank god,Toni where is the place where Penny and the goulies are hiding(when he said these words  everything made sense.They were against him and they wanted to hurt him)

B-ow god.

Fp-okay,thank you.(he said and hang up)

Fp-Betty go to the others and i'm going with the motorcycle so i can get there as soon as possible.

He said and he ran out.And i immediately i took my phone and called Veronica.

B-Vee,where are you?

V-I'm at Cheryl's with Toni,Cheryl and Archie.Whats wrong ?

B-Something happened with Jug,we need to get immediately somewhere.

V-Omg,w...we are coming now.

She said and hung up.Two minutes later they were there.

Ch-come on Betty,let's go.(she said and i got to the car.)

After ten minutes we arrived in the woods but we didn't saw anyone there.It was dark and cold.

B-W...where are they?

A-L...let's search...

And as Archie said that we saw a figure coming from the woods and we ran closer with our hearts bouncing like crazy but as we saw who it was ,we stopped in place.


I couldn't move,i couldn't talk,everything was spinning.In front of me stood Fp with a body in his hands,Jugheads body.Bloody everywhere and unconscious or....even dead.He was bruised,his clothes were torn into pieces,he looked so small in his fathers arms who was staring frozen with tears in his eyes.

Fp-w....we....we need get h..him into the


Fp-h...he needs

T-Th...the car is here Fp ,c...come on.

She said and we ran to the car and we saw him getting his pale body into the car.


Ch-he is gonna be okay Betty,let's go.(Cheryl said hugging me and we went to the hospital)

In the road i couldn't take my eyes away of him,his calm face.....i....i  ...what Betty ,he is gonna be okay.As we arrived Fp took him into his arms and ran inside screaming.

Fp-Heeelp,i need help,my son,my son is hurt.

And then doctors ran to him and took Jughead away.We waited for hours,hours after hours we got more and more scared.Some hours later a doctor came out but we didn't liked his stare. is he?Is he okay?

D-Mister Jones,i'm....unfortunately his wounds were really deep and serious,it was late,we couldn't do anything to save him.

In the moment we lost it,we couldn't react.All of us were suffering from the pain in our hearts.I knew that that day my life was over,my soul was dead just as the love of my life.


Ch-Where is she?(i heard Cheryl ask Vee in the hallway. )

V-Where else,in their bedroom.

They said and came in the room finding an empty body,an empty soul with tears streaming down her face staring in the wall,thats how i felt since i lost him.A dead person.

Ch-Ow Betty(she said and came to me)

Ch-Betts,come on ,its been a year now.I know this hurts more than anything to say for all of us but....Betty he is gone, he is not coming back.You need to understand that ,to live your life.We both know really well that he would never wanted to see you like this.You barely get out of the house,you barely eat and you are failing your classes ...please Betty.

B-i can't....i miss him so much Cheryl.

Ch-i know baby but there is nothing we can do.(she said)

B-but maybe there is(i said to myself)

B-i know(i said and gave a fake smile)

Ch-yea,thats how we want you to be ,smiling.

B-yea,you are right.Thats what he would want too.

I said and kept watching them.It was the day,it was finally the day ,the day that i will see him again and after this no one would be able to divide us from each other.

Ch-we are going now,will you be okay?

B-yeah,yeah of course.

Ch-okay ,bye then ,we'll come later.


I said and they left.I waited until i heard the door close  and got up and went to the bathroom.I got out every pill i had in my cabin and sat on the floor.I got every pill in my hand and closed my eyes.

B-baby....i'm coming to you.(i said and swallowed all of them)

Some minutes later i started feeling dizzy and then .....everything turned black.When i woke up i didn't knew where i was,everything around me was white.I didn't knew what was happening and then the white started to dissappear revealing a forest,full of high trees and colorful flowers.Birds singing ,butterflies everywhere ,animals running and the sun shining.It was a magical place.

B-where am i?(i said but then i heard a voice behind me and i turned immediately)

J-Hey Juliet.

B-Jughead?(i said and ran to him)

B-ow god i missed you so much.

J-me too baby,me too but....Betty why did you do this to yourself?(he said with tears in his eyes)

B-Jug,my life without you is a misery,there was nothing to keep me there.

J-I love you so much Betts.(he said and kissed me as i did the same.)

We finally had what we wanted or let's say what we needed,each other.We were finally happy.Well you'll wonder how we are happy,we are dead,no we are not, the love that we have for each other keeps us alive.Finally we were back together.


Hey guys!!How are you doing?Hope you are all well.So this is the tenth oneshot of this book.Hope you like it!!!
So thats all,
Stay safe,
Love you all!!!🥰🥰🥰

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