Chapter 50 - the beginning of the end 2

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At the same time, somewhere in the wastelands of Bärchen, Prusija

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At the same time,
somewhere in the wastelands of Bärchen, Prusija

"Hey! Watch out!"

Snapping out of the trance his powers put him into, EM' broke down hard onto the brakes on the worn-down Jeep Nico conjured out of his mind. Kat's high-pitched scream rang in his ears, echoing in the back of his skull. Nico's only sign of assent was the grumbling that came from the back of the car, still drunk on sleep.

Throwing his attention back to the road ahead, mild irritation edged into him as he was met with nothingness, the road clear of any obstacles. Only a sea of amber met his view, vast and empty—a couple of worn-down skyscrapers gracing the sky. There was a lot of space all around them as they drove through the night. He snapped his attention back to the woman next to him.

"What the fuck are you screaming for?
I thought you were asleep."

"Are you blind? There!"

Ignoring his last question, Kat blinked at him, dumbfounded, as she pointed straight ahead into the dark. Looking back at the road for a second time, EM' focused harder on the ground before understanding started to race across his face as he finally spotted what she was on about.

A tiny shift against the earth barely visible to the naked eye, as he could make out the small creature crouching before them, rolled into a spiky ball.

"A hedgehog, are you fucking serious?
How could you even see him?!"

Receiving another look of 'are you dumb', she pointed at her eyes and then repeated the motion on him,
one digit for each eye.

"What? You sincerely think I believe you can see that far into the dark? What are you? A cat?"

The thought was not so far-fetched as she seemed to have nine lives.

Or an endless one, I suppose.

EM' babbled on, relieved that they didn't catch on to his activities as they both slept, Nico seemingly even unbothered by their loud barking now.

"I'm not called Kat for nothing.
Besides be happy, I saved Sonja from certain death."

"Who the hell is Sonja?
...Wait, Kat is not your real name, then?"

She flinched at that, taken aback at his voice toning down and suddenly having an edge to it. Kat shifted in her seat and turned her back to him, her forehead pressed against the now foggy window, the glass milky from their bickering. Mumbling something under her breath, she ignored him, pushing against the handle as she stepped off the Jeep.
Ninigi clasped tightly in her hand.

TRI - T like treachery PART 1Where stories live. Discover now