Chapter 17 - paradise circus 3

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Ex-By' warehouse complex,
at the same time, Neo Nova

"For fucks sake! Stop the screaming or I will make you, Stephen!"

Nico growled at his leg, trying to stand up. The task seems more difficult when a whole body is attached to said leg, weighting him down enormously. He shouldn't have let him wake up from his sleepwalk; at least he could have ordered him to let go. Instead, he had an untrained, freaked-out scientist screaming like his life depended on it to carry around with him.

"Get your shit together and let go! We need to get out of here fast!"

He yelled again, trying to shake some sense into him. Finally reacting to his demands, Stephen opened his eyes, glancing up his way from Nicos leg to his face.

"You don't know what we are dealing with!"

He hyperventilated, panic seeping into his body.

"It doesn't matter if we stay here or run; this thing will get to us for sure!"

He announced, catching Nico off guard.

"What are you talking about? Stand up and let's go, or do you want to die out here?"

Nico grabbed him by his collar, bringing him closer
and searching his eyes for an answer.

He got one bump too much on his head;
what is wrong with this dude?

He leaned further down on him, anxiety creeping up his neck as he watched him, not moving one batch. Stephen couldn't focus his gaze; his eyes were wandering around all over the place. Being fed up with his behavior, Nico tightened his grip on him, bringing him so close that he couldn't turn away.

"Listen, either you tell me what got your panties in a twist or I will leave you here to die."

Nico threatened him.

Surprisingly, Stephen stopped his tantrum immediately and pinned his gaze back to him. He pried Nicos hand off of his collar and started to mumble.

"Ok, ok, no need to be so crass, bleached terminator."

Stephen joked around lightly, turning his attention to the hollow growling behind them.

"My hair is very real, thank you."

Nico replied flatly, following Stephen's view.

"Yeah, whatever soldier, as long as the lost one is sedated, we can try to get out without a sound, but..."

He let his answer run out, not finishing his line.

"...but what? Come on, spit it out!"

The young scientist suddenly lashed out at him, reviving his backbone.

"I was knocked out cold for hours! And I was the one who kept the sedation in check, so what do you think happens when no one checks up on that thing anymore?"

Stephen screamed out, his nerves going berserk.

A deep growl rattled the abandoned warehouse again, taking their thoughtfulness away from their ongoing dispute. Nico and Stephen twisted their heads in the direction of the upcoming vast hallway. Nico could feel the venomous aura slowly seeping closer.

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