Chapter 39 - I can never die 2

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Today, in the year 3190, somewhere in New Edo, Nihon

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Today, in the year 3190,
somewhere in New Edo, Nihon

It was cold—so cold. Her nose felt like an icicle, ready to fall off at any given moment. Strangely, if you think about it, the last thing she could remember was the summer heat against her skin as she stepped onto the hot asphalt of the streets of New Edo. So why was she feeling the bite of icy snow across her body now, making her even more stunned?

Squeezing her eyes so hard, her vision blurred behind her closed eyelids, her brain was still strangely left wrong-wired. She lay still on the ground, the unbearable sensation of the snow and something else beneath her seeping into her clothes and skin, chilling her to the bone.

Steadily opening her eyes, Kat blinked a few times, taking in her surroundings. Her cheek felt sticky, and as she looked up, the motion alone made her cringe in pain, her internal organs crying out in distress.

...where am I?

Taking in her view, she caught sight of large pine trees covered in tons of snow and ice, the taiga forest devoid of any kind of sound but the smell... The smell reminded her of days long gone.

Realization started to creep up on her as she finally became aware of her whereabouts, the memory crawling up inside her mind.

No, no, I don't want to be here!

Panic rose inside of her as she couldn't perceive her own voice—the odd reality she woke up to felt too authentic to be a dream. Like stuck in a broken record, dammed to repeat itself over and over again.

Kat dragged her left arm to her head, her fingers scraping over the snow-clad ground. Bringing her hand in front of her face to push off stray strands, a cold, slippery liquid trailed down her nose and mouth, leaving a coopery taste on her tongue.

Comprehending that blood was sticking all over the skin of her arm, the wet feeling on her stomach and chest was her very own blood mixed with dirt and snow. The gruesome memory, now a clear image in her mental eye, made her hyperventilate; the next scene had already started to play out before her.


The pained voice drummed into her ears as Kat let her gaze wander further, and just like she recalled, a figure lying a couple of meters away from her sullied in blood.

Please... please don't let me relive this again!

A cry stuck inside her throat as she heard hurried footsteps scrunching against the earth, a gunshot echoing in the far distance behind them. Her heart raced like crazy, with adrenaline streaming into her veins.

"No, you need to run. Run, please..."


Screaming at the top of her lungs, her voice finally let loose. Scrambling the heels of her feet against the concrete ground, she pushed herself up into a sitting position, her face dripping with cold sweat. The afternoon blaze, hot against her naked shoulders, brought her back to this reality as Kat found herself in the center of a giant crossroad.

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