Chapter 46 - burn it all down

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Rail trail to Neo Nova, somewhere in Ostara, near Sal-Ca

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Rail trail to Neo Nova,
somewhere in Ostara, near Sal-Ca

"Urgh! It's no use!"

Rereading the scripts what felt like the millionth time in a row, Lisha threw his head back in aspiration, banging it against the worn-down leather headpiece. The gibberish texts making no sense to him,
only left him with a massive headache instead of satisfying answers.

The train went smoothly away as he tilted his head to the side, his gaze caught temporarily at the ivory landscape passing him by. Winter was nowhere near as they rushed through the mountain hills of Sal-Ca, yet the giant piles made out of salt and crystals brought out the illusion of snow.

Stirring awake beside him, Nesta rose from her nap, still weak from the previous assault afflicted on her. Grumpy eyes met his as she stared up at him in crossness at disturbing her much-needed sleep. Well,  thank you, he thought in sourness.

I haven't slept at all.

"What is it?"

Finally breaking the silence after a couple of minutes went by, Nesta watched him drown in thoughts,
his eyes lost in the endless scenery of white.

He didn't turn to look back at her as he complied with her question, still focusing on the window next to him.

"Nothing makes sense."

Scrunching her nose at his passive behavior, she closed her eyes again, trying to relax in the uncomfortable passenger seat underneath her.

"What exactly?"

"The files we stole, especially the ones you got as you posed as the general."

Nesta didn't acknowledge his ramblings with words but still managed to push out a simple hmmpf, implying for him to go on. Her body was still sore from God-knows-what as she rubbed at her temple, hoping to avoid the upcoming headache worming its way to her brain.

Lisha pursed his lips in silent amusement and didn't glance back as he continued on.

"Basic information about the branches is not the issue here. X and Y are currently under the order of branch Z. Easy cake, but this is where it gets messy. There is no real input from the soul holders there, or who is really classified as one.
The best part yet is the European and Asian branches."

"Hmm, why?"

Instead of directly answering her,
Lisha threw back a question himself.

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