Chapter 32 - whatever it takes

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Approximately 2450 years ago, City of Olisipo, Port Cale

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Approximately 2450 years ago,
City of Olisipo, Port Cale

Glinting like a sharp sword in the scorching sunshine, her long, steel-colored hair swung around in sync with her movements. Following the rhythm of the instruments played by various citizens at the plaza of the city.
Celebrating a peaceful day without a war at the forefront of their minds.

He stood off to the side, leaning on one of the short, stony fences of the building behind him, soaking up the midday sun. Watching her clap her hands to the beat, a dozen children gravitated around her, equally compelled by her melodic laugh and charm as himself.

Emerald dress, kissing the ground beneath it as she danced. It suited her—a breath of fresh air—so very different from the warrior gear she normally fancied herself in.

Hela was a rare sight to behold; with her unique ashen hair and pale complexion, she definitely stood out, while he, on the other hand, blended in well with the locals, his obsidian hair and bronze skin so similar to theirs. It was no wonder the children were so smitten with her.

Gaze turned mischievous as he watched her grasp the small hands of a younger boy and started to dance with him. His friends, who turned green with envy as they too wanted to have a dance with the pretty senhora, shifted behind them, waiting to finally have their turn.

Hela's laugh turned even louder as she witnessed the commotion behind her as the children pushed at each other to get next in line. Scolding at them to play it fair, she released one hand of the boy in front of her—to his utter displeasure—and took another in her hands, encouraging the others to do the same. Forming a circle, dancing together.

Contentedness filled him at seeing her more lively side—he didn't get to see that often. Her personality was colder and more reserved, especially back then in the entity, but he always knew that a fiery spirit resided inside of her.

Glancing his way, Hela threw him an electric smile, clearly enjoying herself. Knowing from the start that she would warm up to the idea of them traveling the world. He would show her that they could do more than just exist; they could really live. Roam this earth as the gods they were supposed to be.


He thought, his mind wandering to a place without feeling or knowing when one began and one ended.

...and as gods, we will prevail.



Hela's voice drifted into the forefront of his mind.

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