CHAPTER 22- Incurable Condition

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As Taehyung carried Yn, he glanced over to Jin and Abby, who stood a few steps away, watching the tender moment. Jin had his arm around Abby's shoulder, and his other hand was nestled inside his coat pocket. He looked at Taehyung and Yn with a mixture of pride and emotion.

"Both my babies have grown," Jin remarked sentimentally to Abby, his gaze fixed on Taehyung and Yn.

Abby, sharing Jin's sentiment, smiled and placed a gentle peck on Jin's cheek. "Indeed, honey."

Taehyung, appreciating their support, turned toward Jin and Abby with a grateful expression. "Thank you so much, hyung," he expressed sincerely.

Jin, always the caring figure, replied with a warm smile, "Anything for my little one."

Concern etched across her face, Abby gently inquired, "What happened to our Yn? Why does she have all those bruises?" Jin looked up with a furrowed brow with same worry and concern in his eyes. Taehyung took a deep breath before narrating the whole bullying ordeal.

"Unnie, it's been a tough time for Yn," Taehyung began, his voice calm but carrying the weight of worry. "There's this girl at school, Tina, and her friends. They've been bullying Yn – pouring water on her during lunch, beating her up after school, tearing her assignment, and now this." His eyes conveyed a mixture of frustration and sadness as he recounted the distressing events.

Abby listened attentively, her concern deepening with each word and Jin felt a surge of anger and concern. His protective instincts kicked in as he realized the extent of Yn's suffering. "This is unacceptable," he muttered under his breath.

Taehyung continued, "It's been going on for couple days. Yn didn't tell me anything." He said sighing.

As Taehyung finished narrating the story, Yn let out a soft whimper, her tiredness evident as she snuggled deeper into Taehyung's comforting embrace. Her eyes were heavy with exhaustion from the tablet and injection.

Jin, noticing Yn's fatigue, bent down and gently ruffled her hair, offering a warm smile. "You're such a brave Princess, Yn. But next time inform your oppa if you in trouble or having trouble with anything or any one. No matter what it is," he said making Yn peek through Taehyung's neck and nod. Jin then patted Taehyung on the head with a small smile, silently admiring him.

Taehyung, sensing that it was time to leave, looked at Yn and whispered, "Princess, we should go home now. You need some rest." He gently tried to coax her to lift her head, but Yn refused, her grip on his shirt tightening.

Jin, understanding Yn's reluctance, chuckled softly. "It seems like she's quite comfortable where she is," he remarked, his eyes filled with affection.

Taehyung grinned and nodded, "Yeah, she's not letting go anytime soon." He pressed a gentle kiss on Yn's forehead, his protective instincts kicking in.

With a small wave to Jin and Abby, Taehyung began to make his way towards the exit, Yn still nestled in his arms. "Goodbye, hyung, unnie. Thanks again for everything," he said.

Jin and Abby waved back, their smiles reflecting the love they felt for the pair. As Taehyung and Yn disappeared from view, Jin mused, "Our little ones have their own world, don't they?"

Abby nodded, her eyes filled with warmth. "They do, and it's a beautiful one." They lingered for a moment, watching the retreating figures.


Taehyung called for a cab, as Yn was not ready to let go, clung to him, her head still resting on his shoulder. He chuckled softly, finding her reluctance both adorable and heartwarming. "Looks like you're attached with me, Princess," he whispered with a tender smile. "I love it..."

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