CHAPTER 2- Back to School

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Taehyung meticulously set the table for their morning meal and hollered, "Princess! Are you ready?! Come down fast!" His voice echoed through the house, a gentle urgency in his tone as he awaited his sister, Y/n, who was preparing for school

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Taehyung meticulously set the table for their morning meal and hollered, "Princess! Are you ready?! Come down fast!" His voice echoed through the house, a gentle urgency in his tone as he awaited his sister, Y/n, who was preparing for school.

"Coming, oppa! Five minutes!" Y/n's response echoed back from upstairs, filled with the enthusiasm typical of someone gearing up for their day.

Moments later, Y/n descended the staircase in a rush, prompting Taehyung to voice his concern. "Princess, haven't I told you not to run on the stairs? You might hurt yourself." His words held a mix of worry and sternness, causing the pout on Y/n's face to deepen.

"Sorry, oppa," she replied, her pout transforming into a small frown, tugging at her brother's heartstrings. Taehyung's gaze softened, his eyes reflecting the fondness he held for his sister.

"Aw, come on now. Don't make that face. I just don't want you to get hurt, princess," he said softly, pulling her into a side hug.

"I'm sorry, oppa," Y/n apologized with a gentle tone.

"It's alright. Come, let's dig in," Taehyung suggested, pulling out a chair for her and settling opposite.

 Come, let's dig in," Taehyung suggested, pulling out a chair for her and settling opposite

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Taehyung served her a Caesar salad and a glass of warm milk. Y/n, however, made a face at the milk, earning a sharp glare from her brother. Quickly, she shoveled a spoonful of salad into her mouth, attempting to appease him.

"Oppa, this is so delicious. No need to glare at me," she said cutely, causing Taehyung to chuckle internally.

"Hmm, that's good to hear. I want that plate and glass to be empty, or else you know me better, my sweet sister," he remarked with a smirk.

"Yes, oppa," Y/n replied meekly, not wanting to upset him.

After finishing their breakfast, Taehyung declared, "Princess, I'm waiting for you in the car. Go grab your bag and head to the car, okay?"

"Yes, oppa," Y/n responded, making her way to her room.

With his office bag in hand, Taehyung waited in the car for Y/n. 

Once she joined him, he drove her to school, listening to her excitement about reuniting with friends after the vacation

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Once she joined him, he drove her to school, listening to her excitement about reuniting with friends after the vacation.

"Oppa, you won't believe how excited I am to see Lilly today!" Yn exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Taehyung glanced at her with a smile, "I can tell! What's got you so thrilled about meeting Lilly after the vacation?"

Yn leaned back in her seat, her excitement bubbling over. "Oh, you know, we haven't seen each other in ages, and I'm bursting with stories about my vacation. I can't wait to hear all about hers too! We're going to have so much to catch up on."

Taehyung chuckled, a fond look in his eyes as he listened to Yn's animated chatter. "Sounds like you had an amazing vacation. What's the most exciting thing you want to share with Lilly?"

Yn's eyes lit up, "Well, we went camping by the lake, and there was this breathtaking sunset. Oh, and I tried paddle boarding for the first time! It was like gliding on water, Oppa, you have no idea!"

Taehyung laughed, "That sounds incredible. Lilly's going to love hearing all about it."

As they approached the school, Yn's excitement reached its peak. "And you know what, Oppa? I'm so excited to talk about everything with Lilly, but I missed her so much, just her company and our laughter."

Taehyung nodded, appreciating the bond between his sister and her friend. "I'm glad you have someone you're so close to. Friends like Lilly are treasures."

Yn grinned, "They sure are! Thanks for driving me, Oppa. I can't wait to spill all the details to Lilly. It's going to be the best day back at school!"

Taehyung ruffled Yn's hair affectionately. "Have a great day, Princess. Enjoy catching up with Lilly."

As they reached the school gate, Taehyung's demeanor shifted. He turned to Y/n with a serious expression, making her uneasy. "Princess?" he initiated, his tone conveying the weight of his words.

"Yes, oppa," Y/n replied, feeling a chill down her spine.

"Princess, you know I'm serious about your studies, right?" Taehyung cupped her cheeks, forcing her to meet his gaze.

She nodded, avoiding eye contact, prompting him to insist, "Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you, and I want words."

Y/n met his gaze reluctantly and whispered, "Yes, oppa. I know."

"Good. I want you to behave and study well, okay? Don't get into any trouble. You understand?" Taehyung's fingers gently caressed her cheek.

"Yes, oppa, I understand," she obediently affirmed.

"Good girl," he praised, pecking her forehead softly. "Now have a good day and be a good girl, princess."

"Yes, oppa!" Y/n replied, placing a kiss on his cheek before exiting the car.

Taehyung watched her wave him goodbye as she entered the school, his fond smile lingering. With a wave of his own, he left for work, his heart filled with affection for his dear princess.

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*None of the pictures included in this book belong to me. All visual content, such as images, illustrations, or photographs, are sourced from various platforms and credited to their respective owners.*

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