CHAPTER 32- Desperate Plea

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As Yn retreated to her room, the weight of the situation hung heavily in the air. Alone in her sanctuary, she collapsed onto the floor near her bed, her body wracked with sobs of pain, both physical and emotional.

In the solitude of her room, Yn allowed herself to feel the full extent of her anguish. Each sob echoed through the silent space.

Her hands throbbed with pain, the marks left by the ruler serving as a cruel reminder of the punishment she had endured. But it was not just the physical pain that weighed on her; it was the deep sense of betrayal and misunderstanding that cut to her core.

Yn buried her face in her hands, her tears soaking into the fabric of her bedding. She had always believed that her brother, Taehyung, was her pillar of support, her unwavering protector in a world full of uncertainties. But now, that belief had been shattered, replaced by a profound sense of isolation and despair.

As she lay there, lost in her grief, Yn couldn't help but replay the events of the day in her mind. She had been falsely accused of cheating, punished by Jungkook, and then subjected to Taehyung's wrath. And through it all, she had remained steadfast in her innocence, clinging to the hope that someone would listen to her, believe her.

But now, as the reality of her situation sank in, Yn felt a sense of hopelessness wash over her. How could she prove her innocence when the ones closest to her refused to believe her? How could she find solace in a world that seemed determined to break her spirit?

"Wh-why... why won't they b-believe me?" Yn choked out between sobs, her voice barely audible as she buried her face in her hands.

She clenched her fists, feeling the pain shoot up her arms. "I-I didn't cheat... I swear," she whispered to herself, her words muffled by her tears.

"Why... why would they do this to me?" Yn's cries grew louder, echoing off the walls of her room as she struggled to make sense of the betrayal she felt.

Her hands throbbed with pain, but it was nothing compared to the ache in her heart. "I just wanted them to listen... to understand," she sobbed, her breath hitching with each word.

Tears streamed down her face, soaking into the fabric of her pillow as she clutched it tightly against her chest. "Taehyung oppa... Jungkook oppa... why can't you see the truth?"

Her cries filled the room, a symphony of anguish and frustration. "I thought you'd believe in me... I thought you'd protect me..."

Each sob seemed to tear at her heart, the pain of betrayal cutting deeper with every breath. "But I won't give up... I won't let them break me..."

Amidst her cries, a pang of longing pierced her heart. "Mom... Dad..." Yn choked out between sobs, her voice filled with a desperate yearning. "I miss you so much..."

But the realization hit her like a wave crashing over her. Her parents were gone, taken from her too soon, leaving her to navigate the challenges of life alone.

Her cries grew louder, echoing off the walls of her room as she struggled to come to terms with her grief. "I wish you were here... I wish you could tell me what to do..."

Tears streamed down her face, soaking into the fabric of her pillow as she clutched it tightly against her chest. "Taehyung oppa... Jungkook oppa..." Yn's voice cracked as she struggled to find the right words amidst her anguish. "You promised... you promised you'd always be there for me..."

The weight of broken promises and shattered trust pressed down on her, a heavy burden she couldn't bear alone. "Oppa, you promised..." Yn's voice quivered with heartbreak, her cries echoing in the silence of her room. "You promised you'd believe me..."

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