CHAPTER 21- Bruises And Injection

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As Yn clutched onto her brother's shirt, her tears flowed uncontrollably. She poured out the distressing events that had unfolded since yesterday, the weight of the incidents finally breaking her emotional dam. Between sobs, she narrated the relentless bullying from Tina, the lunchtime humiliation, the physical assault after the last period, and the heartbreaking moment when her assignment was torn apart.

Taehyung's expression darkened with each revelation, his protective instincts kicking in. He tightened his embrace around Yn, offering both physical and emotional support. Anger simmered beneath the surface as he absorbed the magnitude of what his sister had endured in such a short span.

Jungkook, who had been listening to Yn's account, shifted uncomfortably, the severity of the situation becoming evident. Yn's vulnerability touched a nerve, and even Jungkook, despite his initial skepticism, felt a pang of empathy.

Yn's cries echoed in the room, and Taehyung, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and concern, assured her, "It's going to be okay, Yn. No one should ever treat you like this."

Taehyung softly asked "Yn, but... But Why didn't you tell me about the bullying?"

Yn hesitated, her fingers nervously fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. She looked up, meeting Taehyung's concerned gaze. Her eyes reflected a mixture of sadness and reluctance."I... I didn't want to worry you, Oppa." she replied and returned her gaze back to the ground.

Taehyung sighed and said "Yn, you can't keep things like this from me. Bullying is serious, and I need to know if you're going through something like that."

Yn bit her lip, contemplating her words carefully before responding, "I thought I could handle it on my own. I didn't want to burden you with my problems."

Taehyung gently placed a reassuring hand on Yn's shoulder. "You're not a burden, Yn. We're family, and we should face these things together. Bullying is never okay, and you don't have to endure it alone."

Yn nodded, a tear escaping her eye. She finally let her guard down, allowing herself to lean into Taehyung's comforting presence. "I was scared, Oppa..."Taehyung tightened his grip on her shoulder, offering reassurance and solidarity.

With Yn's side of the story now heard, he turned towards Jungkook and the principal, his eyes demanding an explanation for the mistreatment of his sister.

Jungkook, fueled by a mix of guilt, anger and concern, wasted no time as he approached the principal, who had been listening to Yn's account. The principal, visibly upset and empathetic towards Yn, understood the urgency of the situation. Jungkook urged them to take immediate and decisive actions against Tina and her friends, emphasizing the emotional distress Yn had endured.

"You heard what Yn went through," Jungkook began, his voice stern and determined. "This cannot be allowed to continue. Tina and her friends need to face consequences for their actions. We need immediate and decisive actions to ensure Yn's safety and well-being."

The principal, sharing the sentiments of anger and concern, nodded in agreement. "I assure you, Mr. Jungkook and Mr. Taehyung, we take this matter very seriously. Immediate actions will be taken against those involved in the bullying. No student should feel unsafe or harassed within our school premises."

Taehyung reassured Yn, "We won't let them get away with this. The school is taking action, and you'll be safe." Yn, though still shaken, found solace in the support of her brother and Jungkook, hopeful that the steps being taken would bring an end to the torment she had endured.

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