The One With The Tomb Attack

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Jeremy stared across at his sister with sadness in his brown eyes. "But, Emmie, I can touch her... I can kiss her again," Jeremy whispered. "I know it's wrong and I know that I shouldn't feel this way but I do," the brunette teenager proclaimed before he confessed to Emily, "I love her. I've always loved her."

Emily looked at her brother as she softened the irritation on her face when she noticed the sadness in Jeremy's voice. "I get it, Jer, I do," the Radkova witch murmured before she stated, "but this isn't healthy for you."

"I'm not saying that you have to stop loving her," Emily quickly told her brother as she gently grasped Jeremy's hand. "I would be a horrible person if I told you that but you can't keep holding onto her like this," Emily murmured as she shook her head.

"You'll never have a future with her, you understand that, right?" The Radkova witch asked Jeremy before she continued, "Anna will forever be a ghost and you'll just be here; lonely and aching for something more." Emily squeezed Jeremy's hand before she apologized, "I'm sorry but that's the truth."

The Radkova witch brought Jeremy into a tight embrace when she noticed the tears in his brown eyes. "It's going to be okay," Emily whispered against her brother's head as she softly petted his short brown hair.

The Gilbert siblings embraced one another for another minute before Emily noticed the ghost of her brother's ex-girlfriend staring at them. The Radkova witch pulled away from Jeremy and their hug to stare directly at Anna. "If you really love Jeremy, then you won't keep doing this," Emily told the ghost vampire, "you have to let him move on with his life or you're just going to be hurting him."

Anna had tears in her own eyes as she accepted the Radkova witch's words. Anna knew Emily was right, no matter how badly it pained her. "I'm sorry," the ghost vampire whispered before she held out her hand and revealed the ruby necklace.

The Radkova witch had to force down her annoyance that she felt when she saw Anna holding her necklace; just like Emily thought she would. Emily knew there wasn't time for that when she had more important things to deal with.

Emily placed her green eyes back onto her brother before she told him, "call Bonnie and tell her that you have the necklace." The Radkova witch then pointed her index finger between Jeremy and Anna before she ordered, "say your goodbyes because this ends tonight. We're getting rid of these ghosts for good."

The Radkova witch didn't bother waiting for a response or an argument from Jeremy before she swiftly turned around and headed back to the police station. Emily knew her brother was going to be upset, especially when she didn't comfort him like she usually would, but Emily honestly couldn't deal with that right now. It would have to wait for later.

The Radkova witch felt a little bit guilty that she wouldn't be there for Jeremy once he finally ended things with Anna. However, Emily mentally promised herself that she would comfort Jeremy once she got home. Right now, she had her own exes problem to deal with.

Emily took a shaky, deep breath once she found herself standing outside of the police station. The Radkova witch felt her nerves spark right back up as she knew what she was about to walk into.

Emily forced her nerves to the back of her mind before she silently entered the building and made her way down to the basement. The Radkova witch quietly entered the jail cell as to not disrupt Lexi and her process. Emily could only hope and pray that it was working on the emotionless vampire.

"Quit fighting me, Stefan," the Branson vampire ordered as she stared down at her best friend. "I know you're in there," Lexi proclaimed.

Stefan clinched his jaw from the pain shooting through his body before he shook his head. "Not anymore, Lexi," the emotionless vampire muttered.

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