Mental Health-JJ

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TW: self harm and depression etc...

It was your least favourite time of the year. The skies were darker and the days felt colder. You do love winter or at least you did when you were younger. Once Christmas passes, it just becomes depressing. No wonder it's called seasonal depression.

Also it feels as if serial killers are most active in winter. Which means your mom is never around. She's either stuck in the office late at night or away on a case. That rare time she was home she was so busy doing something that you barely saw her anymore.

You spent most of your time cooped up in your room anyways. Everyone else in the family was a little scared of you now. When you weren't laying in bed all day, you would be in a screaming match with someone. This always made you feel bad. Which led you to cutting yourself. It only started off with a few minor cuts. But you soon got hooked.

The relief you felt once you did it was euphoric. You knew it was wrong but you couldn't stop. So you started wearing long sleeves all the time. It is still winter so it's not concerning.

It was Friday night or well technically early Saturday morning-2 am to be exact when you went downstairs for dinner. As soon as you got home, you jumped right into bed and just stayed there for the rest of the day until you finally got the motivation to get out of bed. You had made yourself a bowl of cereal as you scrolled through TikTok before you heard the front door open. You saw your mom coming through the door as she was back from a week long case.

"Hi y/n what are you doing up?" she asks surprised to see you but she still walks over and gives you a big hug. "Got hungry" you said with a shrug. "Well finish that bowl and then you better go to sleep soon" she says as you nod. You could hear her make her way up the stairs before she closes the door. You soon make your way upstairs and soon go to sleep.

You felt a light shake as you open your eyes and see your mom sitting on your bed worried. You close your eyes again as she shakes you harder. "Sweetie get up it's 11" she says as you groan. "Leave me alone" you say as you turn over. "Y/n I'm serious get up." She says louder. "Dad always lets me sleep in" you say aggressively as you feel your mom grab your arm. "Mom what are you-" you ask as you see her rolling up your sleeve. You sit up in shock as you try to pull your arm back.

She lets go as you pull your sleeve down again. You knew that she saw your scars. She was frozen as you felt both anger and guilt hit you. "GET OUT" you shout as you see your mom's eyes start to water. "How long has this been going on for?" Mom asks as you immediately start breaking down. You couldn't stop crying as she pulls you in for a hug. You haven't cried like this in forever and honestly it felt amazing to let everything out. "I'm sorry" you cry out.

"You know my sister Roslyn committed suicide by cutting her wrists" You knew that your aunt Roz had committed suicide but that's about it. Mom never liked talking about it. "I'm not going to kill myself" you say as she squeezes you even harder. "I already lost a loved one to suicide, I can't lose you too" she says as you could hear the hoarseness in her voice.

She pulls you away so now you are making direct eye contact. "I'm going to find you a therapist and you are going to get better okay" she says as you nod. "I love you so much and we will get through this. You just have to let me help. Okay?" she says as you nod before she pulls you back in and kisses your forehead.

"Now let's get you out of bed and I'll get dad to make your favourite chocolate chip pancakes" she says as you smile a little. You make your way downstairs and saw that it was just your dad there. "Wheres Henry and Michael?" you ask nervously. "Uncle Spence picked them up" Dad says as you feel the pit in your stomach grow.

You ended up spending the whole day with your parents as you told them about everything that was going on right now. There was a lot of crying and a lot more hugs.

Your mom managed to get an appointment to see a psychiatrist and therapist. You officially got diagnosed with depression (no surprise there) and started taking some anti depressants. Since then, you've felt a lot happier, you had less bad days and were able to talk to someone about it when you were feeling sad. Your relationship grew even stronger with your mom and you haven't cut since!

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