Hotchniss taking Jack to his first little league game

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It was an early morning in the Hotchner household. Jack comes running into his parents bedroom. "Mommy, daddy wake up we are gonna be late for my game" he says as he shakes them both awake. Emily was the first to wake up.
She checks the time. They didn't have to leave the house for another 2 hours. Emily picks up Jack and places him in the bed before snuggling him for 10 minutes as Aaron fell back asleep.

"Mommy wake up" Jack says again. "Alright baby" she says as she gets out of bed. "What do you want for breakfast?" she asks. "mmh...PANCAKES" Jack says as he throws his arms in the air. "Pancakes? Alright let's go" Emily then takes Jack and places him on her hip as she makes her way downstairs.

Jack made the pancakes as Emily helped. "Do you want to run upstairs and tell daddy that the pancakes are ready?" she asks as Jack sprints upstairs. 2 minutes later a very grumpy Aaron and a very happy Jack were coming down the stairs. "We made pancakes" Emily said with a big smile. Jack runs to the table and starts digging in. "Well good morning Mr. Grumpy head" Emily says as she plants a big kiss on Aaron's lips. After pulling away Aaron's frown turns into a smile as he goes to the table and grabs himself a pancake before Emily joins with 2 cups of coffee. They all eat their pancakes while listening to Jack ramble on about the game. Once they were done, Emily brought Jack upstairs to brush his teeth while Aaron got dressed.

It was a cold October morning so Aaron put on jeans and a zip up jacket. He then walked into Jacks room and helped Jack get changed as Emily got into leggings and one of Aaron's old sweatshirts. Jack was wearing an undershirt under his uniform and his new baseball teams rain jacket with his last name embroidered on.

Jack was pretty much ready, he slipped on his
crocs. Jack had dark blue crocs that matched his soccer and baseball uniform colour. On one foot was Jack written out in jibbitzs and on the other foot was a baseball and soccer ball jibbitz which Jack insisted on getting.

Aaron grabbed his bag and Emily held his hand walking out the the car. Emily then buckled up Jack before hopping into the front seat. There Aaron drove down to the baseball fields. Emily hopped out of the car and Jack took her hand running to the field. She then sits him on the bench and puts his shoes on and tied them for him. Jack hops off the bench and runs to warmup with his team.

Emily and Aaron sit on the bleachers as they took the first row. Soon more parents came and the game was about to start. The game was really relaxed as they were all only 5. Every child got the chance to batt at least once. After going through multiple players on both teams, it was finally Jacks turn to hit the ball.

He put on his helmet and grabbed his bat before making his way over to the field. He missed the first two balls but that didn't stop Emily and Aaron from cheering him on. He finally hit the third ball and it went flying. Jack stood there confused for a second before Aaron yelled "Jack run" Jack sprinted around the whole field before making it back to the base. He had just hit a home run. Jack was the only kid to have made a home run that game.

At the end of the team everyone got a medal. Once Jack got his medal, he ran into Emily's arms. Emily took multiple pictures of Jack with his medal as Aaron admired from the side. Jack had the biggest grin which showed off his missing two front teeth.

Once Emily was satisfied with the amount of pictures, Aaron picked up Jack and carried him to a bench and took off his cleats before sliding on his crocs. "I think we need to celebrate your big home run" Emily says as she takes Jacks hand as they walk to the car. "What should we do?" Emily then asks Jack. "mmmh...ICE CREAM" Jack says as Emily nods. "We just have to ask daddy" she says as they both run to Aaron. "Daddy can we please get ice cream? PLEASE?" Jack says as he grins from ear to ear. "Please!" Emily adds in before locking lips with Aaron. Emily knew that affection was Aaron's weakness as he finally gave in.

"Alright fine" he says as Emily and Jack jump with joy. Jack runs to the car as Emily chases after him. After running to the car, Emily straps Jack in while Aaron slowly makes his way to the car. "Hurry up Mr. Grumpypants" Emily yells as Jack giggles. "Ye hurry up Daddy" Jack yells as Aaron starts to chuckle.

He hops into the car and they drive to the local ice cream shop. Jack ordered chocolate ice cream while Emily got strawberry ice cream and Hotch got Vanilla. They enjoyed their ice cream and celebrate Jacks big accomplishment.

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