Dont Grow Up- Derek

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Your mom had just finished a 12 hour shift at the hospital and was in the shower when the door opened. You look up from your homework and see your dad at the door holding a box of pizza and his go bag slung across his shoulder. "Hey princess" he says as he drops his go bag down by the front door and walks up to you. "Hey dad" you say as you stand up and give him a side hug. He drops the pizza box down on the table and gives you a proper hug. "Where's mom?" he asks slightly concerned. "She's up in the shower" you say as he relaxes. "Everything okay?" you ask. "Yeah, just very tired" he says with a smile.

Your mom then makes her way down the stairs. "Hey Sav" dad says as he kisses her lips. "Ew" you say as you focus all of your attention back on your homework. "I got pizza" he says as mom thanks him. "Y/N can you set the table?" she asks. You sigh as you get up and grab the plates. Your dad goes back and grabs his go bag before bringing it upstairs and throwing it next to the washing machine.

You put the plates down on the table as your mom grabs two wine glasses and a bottle in the fridge. She pours herself a glass and slowly sips it as you open the box. "Y/N, wait for dad before you start" she says as you sigh. Just then your dad slowly makes his way down the stairs. As soon as he reaches the bottom steps, you grab yourself a slice and dig in. You were starving. "Wine?" your mom asks as your dad smiles. "I would love some thanks" he says as she pours him a glass before making her way over.

"How was work?" he asks as she takes a bite of her pizza. "Good, nothing out of the ordinary. How was your case" she asks before taking another sip of wine. "Good, we got the guy in the end" he says as she smiles. "How was school y/n?" he asks as he shifts his attention to you. "Um it was okay" you say as you grab another slice. "Only okay?" he asks as you respond. "Dad, it's school, when would it ever be more than okay" he chuckles at this remark before your mom clears her throat. "Y/N, school is important and learning is fun" he says as your mom nods her head showing that he said the right thing. You all finish dinner.

You start un setting the table as your mom puts the wine back in the fridge and your dad throws the pizza box out in the trash. "I might just call it a night" he says as he looks at his watch. "Mmh, me too" your mom says as she yawns.

Your dad walks upstairs and you hear the shower turn on as your mom also makes her way upstairs. You open your phone and see a text message from Jenna. "There's a party tonight at 10 if you wanna go " you look at the time and it was 9. "Oh yeah count me in!" you send before turning off the lights and sneaking upstairs.

As you make it to the top of the stairs, you see that your parents door was shut and the lights were turned off. Perfect, they were asleep. You make it into your bedroom and gently close the door. You rip open your closet and rummage through your clothes before finding a light blue dress. It was a deep v neck that ended just under your ass. You straightened your hair yesterday so all you had to do was makeup. You did a heavy makeup look as you used every product you owned. You checked the time again and it was 9:45. You sneak back downstairs and throw on your white sneakers before exiting the front door.

You only lived 10 minutes away from the place so your walked. You got there and walked in. You saw Jenna there and gave her a quick hug. "Omg y/n you look good" she says as you smile. "Stop, you look stunning" you say back to her as you grab a can of Smirnoff ice. You chug it before Jenna grabs your hand. You grab yourself another can as you make it to the dance floor. You start dancing but kept going back to the table to grab more drinks every 15 minutes or so. You start chugging down your drinks and could already feel yourself getting drunk. You just finished your fourth drink when Jenna taps you.

"Omg that guy is totally checking you out." She says as you laugh. "No he's not" "uh huh, he definitely is have a look for yourself" you turn around and see a guy checking you out. You recognise him from around the halls. "Oh god what do I do?" you ask stressed. Jenna pulls a bag of pills out from her bag and hands you one. "Here" she says as you look at her. "What is this?" you ask skeptical. "Does it matter?" she responds as you shrug. You take it with your drink before making your way back to the table. You grab another Smirnoff and make your way over. "Hey" you say. "Hey" he says back. "You're cute" you say out loud. He smiles and says thanks. You realise that you were already drunk as you didn't mean to say that out loud.

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