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Your timer went off as you picked up the test. Two lines. Positive. You were pregnant. You start sobbing as you hear the door knock. You start to panic. Your mom was working a shift at the hospital and your dad was on a case so you should've had the house to yourself. Well you and Hank, but he was downstairs watching cartoons so he wouldn't disturb you. "Hey baby girl, everything alright in there?"  your dad asks as you start sobbing even louder. He wasn't supposed to be home you thought. "Yep I'm fine" you respond as your voice went shaky. It was clear to anyone who could hear you that you were not alright and since your dad was a profiler, there was no point of even lying. You glance at the door and realise that you forgot to lock it. You tried to run to the door and quickly lock it, but your feet were planted to the floor and you couldn't move. You suddenly felt a wave of nausea as you run to the toilet bowl leaving the pregnancy stick on the sinks counter. You then start to throw up everything you had previously eaten back into the toilet bowl.

You hear the bathroom door open. You try to yell at him to get out but another wave of nausea hits before you could let the words come out. You hear footsteps approach before stopping 5 steps later. You flush the toilet and weakly stand up. You turn around and see your dads eyes glued to the bathroom sink. It suddenly hits you. Your dad had seen the pregnancy test.

"Dad get out" you weakly shout as the tears in your eyes grow again. Your dad didn't flinch as you both stood there for another 30 seconds waiting for your dad to process what he just saw. His facial expression soon turns from shock to anger as he opens his mouth. "This better not be what I think it is" he says as he picks up the test and inspects it.

"There's no way that you are pregnant cause that would mean that you would have to of that's not possible" he says trying to convince himself. "I'm so sorry dad" you say as you start sobbing again. "Y/N, you are only 16, how is this possible, you don't even have a boyfriend" he says as he starts to raise his voice.

"Where's your mother?" "Hospital" you mange to get out "when will she be back?" he then asks "soon" you say back trying to act more brave. "Have you called your mother yet? Does she know?" he asks as you nod no. He takes his phone out of his back pocket and rings your mom. "Hey Sav...come home quick...our baby girl has an announcement to make...I'll drop Hank off...I love you too...bye" he says before hanging up. He then dials Garcia "Hey Garcia" he says as he starts to relax a bit. "Can Hank stay at your house for the night...just some family things we need to work out and we don't want Hank to be she is involved in this conversation very much...can I drop him over're the best...see you in 10 bye" your dad says as he hangs up. "I'm going to drop Hank of at Garcias and when your mother and I get back, we will have a stern talking with." You gulp as he walks into Hanks room.

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