Will has to buy you period supplies

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You go to the bathroom before going to bed and discover that you got your first period. You freak out as you grab a wad of toilet paper to cover your underwear. You then rush into your parents bathroom to discover that your mom only had tampons. "Great" you thought to yourself. "Daddy" you shouted as he came running up stairs. "What's wrong?" he asks as you feel the tears rolling down your cheek. "Can we go to the store?" you plead. "Why do you need to go to the store?" he asks. "I think I just got my first period" you say as you start to cry more heavily. "Does momma not have any supplies you could take?" "I can't use them, she only has tampons, can you please just drive to the store?" you plead getting a little angrier. "Okay you stay here and make sure Henry and Michael don't wake up while I run to the store." He says as he grabs his wallet and keys before running out the door.

Will hops into the car and goes to the local CVS. There he calls JJ as soon as he walks down the aisle filled with tampons and pads. After 3 tries, she finally picks up. "Hey Jayge, I need help" Will says anxiously"can it wait? I'm on the jet home from my case" JJ asks confused "actually it can't" he says nervously. "Is everything okay?" she then asks nervously. "No y/n just got her first period" he says all panicked. "Tell her I'll be home in less than an hour" she says. "I'm actually in the store right now, that's why I actually called. I was told to buy pads?" he says as he puts her on FaceTime. "I don't know which ones I should buy?" he says as he flips the camera. "There are too many options which ones do I get?" "Get the thin ones on your left" she says. You point the box at her. "These?" he asks. "Yep" she responds. "and the ones below them as well that say nighttime" she says as he grabs them too. "You're the best" he says as he picks up the box. "I love you" she says to which he responds "I love you more". He then walks over to the chocolate section and gets a bunch of chocolate before proceeding to check out.

Will then walks in through the front door while you wait for him. You grab the boxes of pads from him "what took you so long?" you say angrily. "sorry I didn't know which ones to get" he says all scared. "I called Mamma and she says that she'll be home soon" he says to which you reply "I'm going to take a shower" as you run upstairs to your bedroom. There you grab a fresh pair of underwear and pyjamas before walking to the bathroom. You start to strip as you throw all of your dirty clothes into the washing basket. You took a long shower as you washed and conditioned your hair as well as washing your body. You didn't want to get out so you started to shave your legs to waste time. Once you were done shaving, you just stood there for a few minutes just freaking out.

You suddenly hear a knock on the door as you turn off the water. "I'll be out in just a minute" you shout as you grab your black robe and throw it on before opening the door. There you see your mom on the other side of the door. You give her a big hug and cry in her arms. "I'm here baby" she says. "I need help" you say as you give her a pad and a fresh pair of underwear. There your mom placed the pad on your underwear and handed it back to you. She then goes to her own bathroom as you get changed into your pyjamas.  You sit down on the couch and turn on the tv. There you watched Friends. Your dad then sits on the couch next to you "what are we watching?" he asks as he passes you a hot water bottle. "what's this for?" you ask "for cramps, momma puts it on her stomach and it normally makes her less grumpy" he says as you laugh.

All of a sudden your mom walks down the stairs in her pyjamas. "Hey I heard that" she says as your dad whispers "maybe I should make her one too" he says as he jumps up from the couch and down to the kitchen. Your mom sits next to you as you snuggle into her embrace while your dad comes back with another hot water bottle. "I'm sorry Jayge" he says as he gives her a kiss and hands her a hot water bottle. "What's in the bag?" she asks as he sits the other side of you, "oh just a few treats" he says as he gives you the bag. You dump it out to find a whole bunch of chocolate. "Thank you daddy" you say as you give him a big hug. You spend the rest of the night on the couch eating chocolate and watching tv.

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