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You were in bed asleep as school had been cancelled for the day because of a snow storm. You were excited to relax all day and your parents were also stuck at home all day too.

You wake up to your younger sister and brother storming into your room. "Wake up Wake up it's Snowing!" They shout as you groan and roll over.

You were not planned while the rest of your siblings were which meant there was a nice big age gap. Your plans on a snow day were to sleep in while the rest of the family's was to wake up early to play in the snow. Both you and your mom were night owls while the rest of the family were morning people.

You then get a whiff of pancakes as you turn to Hannah. "What's that smell?" you ask as Hank starts jumping on your bed. "Daddy made pancakes!" He shouts as you smile before they both run back downstairs. You strip and take a nice hot shower before you start shaving your legs. You hop out and moisturise your legs before throwing on your new sweatsuit that you got for Christmas.You then throw on some fluffy socks before throwing your hair up into a bun.

You walk downstairs and see everyone in the kitchen. "Morning Babygirl" Dad says as he turns off the stove and brings over a stack of pancakes to the kitchen table. Hannah and Hank were sitting at the end of the table hungrily waiting. While your mom was feeding your youngest brother, Tommy his morning bottle who was sitting in his high chair. "Morning y/nn" your mom says as you sit down. You all take a pancake and your mom starts cutting hers up into tiny pieces for Tommy. She takes the Syrup and squirts a good amount onto the plate. She starts dipping the pieces of pancake into the syrup and feeds Tommy them while he slowly starts eating.

You happily eat a pancake before grabbing another one. There was one more as you saw both Hannah and Hank eagerly eyeing it. They both already had two while your mom had one and a half while Tommy ate the other half. Your dad however was on his fourth.

Your dad knew that a fight was going to start and took the last pancake as they both started whining. He cut the pancake in half and handed them back a piece each. "Daddy Hank got the bigger piece" Hannah starts whining. "Daddy Hannah's side is thicker" you hear Hank yell back before you heard a loud fart which silenced everyone as you all turn and look at Tommy who starts laughing.

Suddenly a really bad smell came coming from Tommy. You and Hannah start complaining about the smell while Hank starts laughing. Your mom smiles as she takes Tommy out of his high chair. "Let's go get you changed now" she says as Dad stops her. "Em let me" he says as she smiles.

"Are you sure, I think it's a messy one" she says with a chuckle as Tommy starts laughing harder. "Princess, I think I know how to change a diaper" he says cockily as he takes Tommy from her arms. "Okay, I'll get the other two munchkins ready" she says as your dad and Tommy make their way upstairs while your mom sits back down at the table.

Hannah and Hank had both just finished their breakfast but had syrup all over their face and hands. Your mom sends them to the bathroom to wash their hands and face before getting the snow stuff out.

You start to unset the table and start loading the dishwasher while your mom gets Hank and Hannah in their snow pants and winter coats. She then helps them put on their snow boots before getting gloves, scarves, and hats.

You dad then comes downstairs with Tommy in his snowsuit. You take Tommy from your dad's arms while he starts getting ready to go outside. You put Tommys gloves on before wrapping a scarf around his neck while your mom starts making popcorn and hot cocoa. "Mama" Tommy shouts as she takes him from your arms. "Go get the TV set up" she says as you smile before going to the living room.

It's been a tradition since you were ten and stopped being interested in playing in the snow. You and your mom would both snuggle up on the couch and watch The Shining. It was both yours and your mom's favourite movie. Your dad still got the creeps from it and your mom thought Hank was still too young to watch it let alone Hannah who accidentally walked in while the blood was flowing out of the elevators. She slept in your mom's room everyday for the next month while your mom was on maternity leave with Tommy.

You could hear Hannah and Hank screaming outside as you saw your mom walk in with a large bowl of popcorn and two cups of hot cocoa. You press play as she sits down next to you and you snuggle up to her.

The popcorn and hot cocoa were both pretty much gone as you could hear more noise. You look at your mom as she just continues to watch the movie. You were getting to your favourite jump-scare when you suddenly feel your mom jump. You back away and see your dad had his arms around your mom's shoulders as he kisses her cheek. "Derek aaaah you're freezing" you hear your mom screams as she starts laughing before he pulls you in for a hug. "Aaah Dad" you scream as he starts littering your cheek with kisses.

"Ugh you're still watching this?" He asks as he takes his arm off your shoulder and takes the tv remote as he pauses the movie. "But Dad it's the best part" you whine as he shakes his head with disappointment. "How much longer do you got?" He asks "thirty minutes" your mom says knowing that you had 15 minutes max.

"Okay I'll give Tommy a bath and then get him down for a nap" he says. "Can you give Hannah a bath as well and wash her hair? Oh and make sure Hank washes his hair" she says with the biggest smile that your dad was never able to resist. "Okay but I want to see you upstairs in 30 minutes" he says as your mom smiles before you hear Hannah shouting down, "Daddy I'm cold". You and your mom start laughing as you see your dad sigh and walk out.

Once you were in the all clear you look at your mom confused. "Don't we only have 15 minutes max left in the movie?" you ask. "Yes but I don't want to give your sister a bath" she says as you start laughing. She grabs the remote and presses play as you snuggle back up and finish the movie.

5 minutes into the movie you hear Hannah screaming which was followed by a crying Tommy. Your mom just turns the volume up as you go back to watching the movie.

Once the rolling credits come on your mom switches the tv off as you relax. You guys start talking before you let out a yawn. "Y/nn why don't you go and take a nap" your mom says as you nod and make your way upstairs. You stayed up till 3 on FaceTime with friends and were honestly exhausted.

You pass out as soon as you hit the covers and don't wake up again until you hear Tommy crying which you then roll over and end up falling back to sleep.

You wake up and put in your AirPods before doing some last minute homework. You then see your mom walk in with Tommy in her arms. You grab your phone and pause the music as you take out your AirPods and put them back in their case.

"I convinced your dad to order pizza for dinner" she says as you look at her surprised. "What? How? We had pancakes for breakfast" you say surprised as your dad would normally force you all to eat something healthy for dinner. "I have my ways you know" she says with a chuckle as you groan.

"As long as I don't have another sibling in 9 months I don't need to know" your mom sighs as she jokingly rolls her eyes. "Sex isn't the only way I can convince him you know, and besides stop being so dirty minded" she says as she sits down on your bed and you take Tommy from her arms. "Mmh if I remember correctly, I was made out of wedlock and dad was apparently very much a player according to Auntie Pen" you say as her hands hit her chest as she dramatically flops down on your bed as you start laughing. "Well you aren't that innocent you know" you say as she sits back up ready to prove you wrong.

"Well the last three kids were planned and if you do the math that's a high enough percentage" she says as you roll your eyes. "Also we said we were done after Tommy and there is no way I could have another kid, I'm way too old" she says as you chuckle. "Everyone thought that with every pregnancy but somehow you still seemed to get knocked up." You say as she pushes you and you both start laughing. "Get your butt downstairs for dinner while I get Tommy into his pyjamas" she says as you smile before making your way downstairs.

You see Hannah and Hank setting the table as you run up to your dad. "Thank you so much for getting pizza" you say as you give him a big hug. "You ready for school tomorrow?" he asks as you groan. "Don't remind me" you say as he chuckles. The doorbell rings as your dad goes out and gets the pizza. He opens the box up as you all sit down. Your mom comes downstairs carrying a very sleepy Tommy in her arms. It felt nice to all be at the dinner table eating as a family.

With your parents work and the fact that your dad forced all of you to pick up sports, someone is always missing. You loved snow days because you were stuck with each other all day long with nothing to do and nowhere to go.

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