Chest X-rays with Jemily

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Last year you got heart surgery. It really wasn't that big of a deal but your moms took the week off and stayed with you while you recovered. They then took it in turns as they would alternate who would stay home and who would go to work. Soon after Momma went back to work, Mom let you get your nipple pierced as long as Momma never finds out.

You had been asking for a nipple piercing since you were 12 because you thought it was so cool. Mom was totally okay with you getting one but Mamma hated it so you could never get one because Momma wears the pants in the relationship. Derek always made fun of Mom about it.

You were going to get a chest x-ray done today. Just a routine check up to make sure everything still looked okay. Momma was taking you to the appointment while Mom was staying home with your brothers.

You were getting ready to leave for your doctors appointment as Momma shouts out. "Emily we are leaving now" she says as mom runs out. "Good luck y/nn" she says as you give her a hug. "Bye Mom" you say as she smiles. Your moms then hug goodbye. "Bye JJ" mom says as she holds onto her for slightly too long.

You drive to your appointment like normal. The whole car ride momma was talking about results as you weren't really paying attention. You finally get there as you walk to the heart specialists office. You sit down at the waiting room while momma goes up to the receptionist and gets you checked in before you both sit down.

She takes your hand as you were waiting before the nurse comes out. You and momma make your way to the changing room as you remove your bra before walking into the room for your X-ray. Your mom was sitting just outside as you got it done. It was very simple before you go back and quickly out your bra on. You go back to the waiting room before they bring you into another room with your doctor.

"Okay so everything seems to be looking good" your doctor starts saying before he pulls out the X-ray and places it on the board. Fuck-your piercing was still there. "Wait sorry that must be the wrong X-ray cause y/n doesn't have that piercing" momma says as you felt ill. "Nope Ms. Jareau that's the right one" he says as she turns and looks at you. "Oh you are so grounded young lady" she says before she starts talking about medical things with the doctor.

You make your way out of the doctors office before you walk to the mini coffee shop in the hospital. You find somewhere to sit while Momma goes up and orders. You quickly get your phone out and text Mom.

You: Mom
         Momma found out about piercing

Mom: Fuck, how mad is she?

You: Crazy mad
          Said I'm grounded

Mom: you can tell her I let you, I'll take the blame

You: Really?

Mom: She's gonna find out eventually-thanks for heads up!

You: of course, she is coming I gotta go

Mom: bye!

Momma sits down across from you. "Who are you texting?" she asks. "Just Mom" you say as she nods. "When did you get your nipple pierced?" she whispers out aggressively. "Um a couple months ago" you said. "Where did you? I mean how could you have even gotten it done without my signature? Oh god, please tell me you didn't do it yourself." she asks in a panic. "No I got it done at the tattoo parlour" you said as she knew straight away. "Oh my god Im going to murder Emily" she says as you hear your order being called out. Your mom goes up and grabs it while you grab your phone out.

You: Momma just found out you took me
         She says she is gonna murder you

You send quickly before momma comes back with your coffee and cake. "Thanks" you say as you took it from her and started sipping your coffee. Lunch was quiet before you finish lunch and leave.

You and momma had a quiet drive home. She was still pissed with you but even more pissed at mom.

You and momma finally arrived home. "Hi sweetie how did it go?" Mom asks as she pulls you in for a hug. "It went fine" you said as she kisses the top of your head. Momma was just standing there angry. "Where are the boys?" she asks. "In their room playing video games. I made you a nice bubble bath upstairs" Mom says as Momma angrily makes her way up the stairs.

"Well that worked" you said as mom smiles. "Well just up until dinner time when I see her again" mom says as you laugh. "What do you want for dinner?" she asks as you think. "Pizza" you say as she smiles before opening the drawer of takeout menus. She finds the pizza place and starts ordering while you go upstairs and nap.

You wake up to the smell of pizza. You could hear your brothers downstairs talking with mom and someone who you assume is Mama walking around her room. You walk downstairs as you see Henry and Michael helping set the table and talking about the new level they reached on some game. "Hi y/n, how did you sleep?" Mom asks. "Good" you say as she smiles. "How was the doctors?" Henry asks.

"Um it good but now mama is in a bad mood" you say as Michael giggles. "Is me being in a bad mood funny?" Mamma asks as Michael starts laughing even more. "Mama" he says as he runs up to her. "Hi sweet boy" she says as you could see that the bath must've worked.

"Dinners ready" mom says as the doorbell rings. She pays the pizza guy as you all sit down at the table. Michael and Henry wouldn't stop talking about their game as you all just pretended to listen. Mom gave momma her favourite wine as she drank it with her pizza. Once you were all finished, you, Henry, and Michael started clearing the table. "Mom, Momma can we have dessert?" Michael asks as momma shuck her head no. "You just had pizza, if you have dessert you would get sick" she says as they both sulk before going up to their rooms.

This just left you and your moms. "A piercing Emily really?" Momma shouts. "I'm sorry, she was just so down after her surgery" Mom responds. "I can't believe you did this behind my back. The both of you" Momma says as you felt bad for mom. "But momma I've been wanting one for years" you whine. "And I have told you many times no" she says.

"Well I think it's better that mom took me to get it done because all my other friends get their piercings done in school. At some point of I would've caved in and got it done in school. At least when mom took me they used clean sterile tools and knew what they were doing versus a bunch of teenage girls in the schools bathroom having no idea what they were doing" you say as Momma looks mad.

"She does have a point you know" mom says which was kind of surprising. "I mean she is just as stubborn as me and we both know she would've done it the cheapest way possible behind our backs. Which means it would've gotten infected and probably ended up looking really bad" she says as you nod your head. "Momma I love it so much. It looks perfect" you say as she starts to look less mad. She takes a sip of her wine.

"Well I guess you do have a point. She is our kid after all and gets her stubbornness from you" momma says as you start feeling offended. "I promise I will never do it again" mom says as she nods. "When did you get it done though?" she asks. "Um do you remember the day that I was supposed to go to the beach with my friends? But you both said no because I was still recovering?" you ask as she nods.

"Well you remember how you went away on a case that week and I was left here with Mom while the boys were at a sleep away camp?" you asks as she continues to nod. "Well mom didn't tell you but I gave her the silent treatment the whole week. I wouldn't talk to her unless she let me go out with my friends. After a couple of days mom let me do whatever I wanted to do as long as it's within the doctors orders." Momma knew where this was going.

"I guilt tripped her into letting me get my nipple pierced after she talked me down from letting me get my nose pierced" you said as your momma smiles. She then gives mom a hug. "I forgive you. But promise this never happened again" she asks as mom nods. "Of course Jayge" she says as momma nods.

She then turns to you "but you're still grounded for not only getting it pierced without my permission but for guilt tripping Emily into letting you get one"

The next week you were forced to stay home and you couldn't see your friends for a week. You weren't too upset about the punishment. All your friends were on vacation anyways so you wouldn't have been able to hang out with them.

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