Back to school shopping with Garcia

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Your school supplies list just came in the mail yesterday. You mom opened it last night and told you that you were going school supply shopping tomorrow. You go to bed and wake up the next morning to your mom turning on your light. You groan as you flip the blanket over your head.

You were going into high school this year. You were nervous about going to a new school. You quickly took a shower before drying off and changing into shorts and a T-shirt. You put your hair in a messy bun and slipped on your sneakers before you went downstairs.

Your mom was sitting down at the kitchen table reading on her kindle and drinking coffee. "Mom I'm ready" you say as she looks up and smiles. "Okay where do you wanna go first?" she asks. "Target" you say as she smiles. "Okay let's go" she says as she puts her kindle down and quickly pours the rest of her coffee down the drain.

You both hop in the car as you play some music before you finally arrive at target. Your mom parks the car as you feel your stomach grumble. "Mom I'm hungry" you whine. "Why didn't you eat before we left the house?" she asks. "Cause I wasn't hungry then" you reply as she rolls her eyes. "Fine what do you want?" mom asks.

"Um a sausage egg and cheese please oh and can I also get Nitro Cold brew coffee" you ask. "Really Nitro Cold brew?" she asks. "Oh yes, big decision making for high school and lots of shopping to do, you should get one too" you say as she smiles with slight disappointment in her face. "I've already had three this morning" she says as you smile back. "It doesn't count if you brew it yourself" you say as she smiles. "Oh have I taught you well munchkin" she says as she pulls you in for a hug as she adds it to the mobile order.

She mobile orders it as you both sit down and wait. "Are there any specific stores you wanna hit?"mom asks. "Um I don't know maybe we can go to the mall" you respond. "Oh yes-looks like your sandwich is ready" your mom says as you look over and see it. "Sausage egg and cheese for Penelope" you hear as you stand up and grab it before they then call it out again for your coffees. You start eating your sausage egg and cheese.

You took a sip of your coffee as you felt the caffeine enter your blood stream. You loved Nitro cold brew coffees but they still managed to give you a huge energy boost. Your dad hates energy drinks so you are only aloud to drink coffee. Although you drink so much coffee that it doesn't make you feel more alert anymore. But the Nitro Cold Brew still does every single time.

You and your mom had a rule that you would only drink it for emergency purposes only as it got you both a little too energised. You were also never supposed to tell your dad whenever your mom got you one. He thinks that you both have a coffee problem.

Once you finish your food, you throw out the bag as your mom grabs a cart. You had your coffee in hand as you started walking towards the school supplies. "Okay so why don't we get a binder and notebook for each class" she says. "But mom most of my work is on a laptop anyways. Can't I just get one with dividers." You whine as she picks up a pink binder. "Oh this colour is so cute!" She says as you roll your eyes and cross your arms.

"Mom no" you say. "What?" she asks back. "I'm going into high school. Im not gonna carry around a bright pink binder. That's for babies" you say before taking a sip of coffee. "You can get whatever colour you want to get but pink is for all ages" she says as you roll your eyes. "Okay fine" you say as you grab a random black binder and throw it in.

"Get 4 more" she says. "No I only want one" you whine. "The list says 5" she responds back. "Mom stop" you pour as she ignores you. "Fine I'll get two more but that's it" you say as she nods her head. You grab a white and a grey one. You then find notebooks that were matching colours to your binders.

"Alright loose sheets of lined paper" she says as you find a stack before throwing them in. "A pencil case" your mom says as you start walking around. "Mom they all look babyish" you whine. "Y/n" she warns you. "Can I just use my one from last year?" You ask. "Okay" she says as she moves down to the next item. "Pencils and pens" she says as you grab a box of no. 2 pencils before getting a box of the colourful paper mate pens.

"They only allow red, black, or blue pens" she says as you whine. "I know but I don't make the rules" she says as you sigh before getting a stack of black pens. "Maybe get a stack of the other colours as well" she says as you nod and throw a stack of red and blue in the cart. "Erasers" she says as you grab a random plain pack.

"Highlighters" she says as you get a pack of pastel ones. "Oh those are so pretty" your mom says with a smile. "Post it notes" she then says as you grab pastel post it's. "Oh I love these" your mom says before adding some more in the cart to put in her office.

"Scientific calculator?" she asks as you walk up to the section and look at them. "$170??" your mom asks shocked. You go to grab one and throw it in. "Ah not so fast" she says as she quickly pulls out her phone and looks at Amazon. "Look I found it for half the price. What colour do you want?" she asks as you pick the black one. "Okay I ordered it and it should be here by tomorrow" she says as you smile. "Thanks mom" you say as she smiles back. "Of course munchkin" she says as she looks back on the list.

"Index cards?" she asks. "I don't think I'll need, I mean I study on quizlet anyways" you say as she nods. "Backpack?" She asks as you look around and pick up a plain black one. "Oh look at this one" she says as she picks up a blue backpack with flowers on it. "Mom stop" you say as she huffs. "Ugh I miss when you used to be fun" she says as you playfully roll your eyes.

"You say this now but we both know that you will love when we go clothes shopping" you say as she smiles. "Let's hurry up so we can go shopping sooner". She says as you smile. "Okay so what's next then?" you ask. "Pencil sharpeners" she says as you pick up a random one. "Anything else?" you ask. "Nope" she says. "Okay" you say as you happily start walking to the register. You start to self check out.

Halfway through your mom gets a call. She gives you her card and steps away as you continue to scan and bag. Once you finish, you walk to your mom.

You see the frown on her face as she hangs up. "Case?" you ask as she nods your head. "Sorry munchkin" she says as you nod. You quickly throw your shopping bag in the trunk before your mom drives straight to the bau. You didn't talk the whole car ride there as there was clearly something on your moms mind.

Once you got there, you followed her up as you see Emily, Spencer, and Derek all at their desk. "Hey munchkin, why don't you got my bat cave and start online shopping for clothes" she says with a smile. "Okay" you said with the biggest grin. You start walking your way to her room before opening her door. You sit down and log onto her computer. You then looked up Lululemon and decided to buy yourself new leggings. Since you were on your moms computer, you found a discount code that made your purchase 80% off.

You were about to press order when you remembered that your mom would want to go over everything you added to the shopping cart before pressing order. You didn't mind as you just opened a new tab.

You then went on American eagle and got yourself some jeans before going on pac-sun and garage for shirts. You managed to find a big discount code for all of them on your moms computer which was very much legal. You then got yourself a new pair of converse and air force 1s. You found the promo code before you then wait for your mom to come back in from the board room.

A few minutes later she comes in with a smile. "Hey y/n, dad said that he can come in 15 and pick you up" she says as you smile. "Mom can you look at my purchases before I click order?" you ask as she takes a seat next to you and goes through them. She sees the prices and her jaw drops. "And you got these promo codes legally?" she asks as you nod. "Oh you are so smart" she says as she pulls you in for a big hug.

She goes through all of your purchases and makes sure that you got the right size and whether or not she liked it. You and your mom thankfully agree on fashion 90% of the time. Even if you don't dress anything alike. She presses order on all of the items before your dad soon arrives and picks you up.

Two weeks later all the packages have finally arrived and your mom had a day off from work. This meant that she had your full attention as you gave her a try on haul of everything you got. You ended up keeping most of the clothes as a few of them ended up looking weird. You basically had a new closet for an affordable price.

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