Rossi's daughter debit card gets maxed out

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Your dad texted you that he had just come back from a case and that he was making dinner. You check the time and see that it was 5. You were at American Eagle when you received the text. You quickly pay for your jeans and tell your best friend that you guys need to leave. You quickly exit the mall as you drive her home. The car ride was 15 minutes and you drop her and help her carry her bags inside. You then hop back in the car and drive home. You pull up the driveway and could see the kitchen light on. As you go to open the garage, you hear Italian music blaring through the kitchen speakers. There was no way he knew that you were home.

You park your car in the garage and open the trunk as you grab your shopping bags. You had about 10 bags and you put 5 on each arm before opening the garage door. You slowly tip toe your way inside as you kick your shoes off and put them in with all your other shoes in the mud room. You then sneak up to your room using the backstairs so your dad couldn't hear.

You had memorised every crack in the floorboard at this stage as you snuck upstairs not making a sound. You slowly open your creeky bedroom door and throw all your bags on your bed. You went to your desk and grabbed your scissors, cutting off every price tag before dispensing them in the trash can. You neatly hang up all your clothes before throwing your shopping bags im the trash can as well. Once your room looked sorted, you sneak back downstairs. You walk back to the garage door before opening and closing the door louder. You then hear the music get quieter as your dad turned the volume down. Now he knows that you are home. You walk to the mud room and open the door loudly before shutting it again 30 seconds later. You then walk into the kitchen.

"Hello Daddy" you say as he stops cooking. "Hello princess" he says as he gives you a big hug.  "Where were you?" he asked half paying attention. "I was just hanging out with some friends" you respond. You technically weren't lying, you just didn't tell him the whole truth.

"We need to talk" he says in his serious face. You gulp. "What's wrong daddy?" you ask as you batt your eyelashes dumbly. "I got a notification from your account" he says as he continues to cook dinner but still manages to remain eye contact with you as he switches to cutting up some vegetables. "It said that I needed to refill your debit card again, I filled it a week ago" he says as he raises an eyebrow. There was an awkward pause. "Care to explain where all the money went?" he asks angrily. You knew that you couldn't lie to him as it was better to tell him the truth now then lie to him later.

"Well, I went shopping with a group of school friends and then they were having a big sale everywhere, like everything was at least 50% off. In fact, I only bought stuff that was on sale" you start ramble on nervously "princess we talked about this" he says disappointed as he stops you from continuing to ramble. "You need to stopping spending money so quickly" he adds on. "But daddy it's not like I'm spending the money on drugs or anything bad like that" you whine trying to give him the bigger picture and making it not sound as bad.

"I know that but you spend $500 today, that's a lot of money" he says disappointed again. "I'm sorry daddy" you say as you give him a big hug and he returns the gesture by kissing the top of your head. "Its okay but shop a little less please" he says as he sounds a lot less mad. "deal" you say back with a big grin.

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