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Growing up your mom was always open about her abortion she got as a teenager. Even though she didn't like talking about it, she always made a point to bring it up and warn you about the importance of contraception. Guess she never learned from her mistake seeing as your parents had only been dating for about a month before she found out she was pregnant with you. Nobody even knew your mom that well as she was still new to the team and next thing they know your mom was pregnant with the bosses kid who everyone thought he was still happily married with Haley.

She was always comfortable when it came to talking about sex and that kind of stuff. Her one rule was that as soon as you started to even think about becoming active, you were to tell her straight away. So when you first decided to become sexually active, you made sure to tell your mom straight away like you promised. She knew that you would be having sex regardless so it would be better if she knew rather than you sneaking around and doing it. You started birth control and you told her whenever you did it. You obviously didn't get into detail but she was very grateful that you told her. You think your dad might have known or at least had his suspicions but you never talked about it. In his eyes you were still his little princess who thinks boys have

It was a regular Saturday as your parents had just come back from a case last night. Your mom was doing the washing while your dad had some paperwork he had to finish in the home office. "Hey baby everything okay?" you hear your mom ask as she opens your bedroom door and sees you laying in your bed at 11 am. This was unusual for you since you would normally be out of bed by 9am the latest.

You nod your head no as she walks into your room and sits on your bed. "What's wrong?" she asks. "I woke up this morning to a wave of nausea and have been throwing up but I feel much better now" you say. "mmh" is all she says as she takes the back of her hand and puts it on your forehead. "You don't seem to have a temperature" she says as she tucks the loose strand of hair on your face behind your ear.

"Well I'm running to CVS to pick up your prescription and more tampons-do you need me to pick up anything?" she asks as she stands up and heads out your room. "Um ye actually my period is supposed to come soon, let me check when" you open your flow app and see that it was due two weeks ago. You make a face but try to hide it. "What's the matter baby?" she asks nervously "Um nothing" you say. She soon gets the message as she walks back to your bed and sits down so you are facing her. She makes eye contact and asks seriously "how late is it?" "2 weeks" you say as you start to feel ill.

Your mom then walks out of your room without saying a word. You start to panic a bit until she comes back 2 minutes later with a bottle of water and a pregnancy test box. She hands you the bottle as you chug down half of it. She sits on your bed and pulls you into her lap. You just cry for a while until you feel the need to pee. "Hey mom, I think I'm ready" you say as she lets go
of you and you take the box she placed down next to her into the bathroom.

You rip open the box and read the directions before sitting on the toilet. It takes you a while to pee as you were so nervous. After what felt like forever you finally pee on the stick. As soon as you finish peeing, you flush the toilet and wash your hands before setting the test on the sink. You walk out of the bathroom and nestle back into your moms lap. You just start sobbing as your tears stained her shirt. You both just sat there in silence as she rubbed your back. After what felt like forever, your mom finally says something "Hey baby I think it's been 2 minutes now. Do you want to check?" you just nod your head no as you continue to cry as you were still in shock assuming the worst case scenario that it did come back positive.

You hear footsteps coming down the hallway towards your bedroom. You hear your dad knock on the door frame since the door was wide open already. You turn around and look at the open door where you make eye contact with your dad before turning away and placing your head back on your moms chest. "Is everything alright?" your dad asks with worry in his tone as he leans against the doorframe.

"Do you want to tell your dad or should I?" your mom asks as she pulls you away from her chest and makes eye contact with you. You nod your head no as you pull your head back into her chest again. "Aaron y/n's period is late and she has been throwing up this morning" he just stands there shocked. "We'll have you taken a test yet?" he asked. "Yes but we haven't checked yet" she responds as he walks to the bathroom.

He checks the test and walks back to the room. "Is it positive?" you ask nervously. "No" he says as your mom sighs in relief. You start sobbing into your moms arms again happily. "Oh thank god" you mutter. Your dad walks over and gives you both a big hug. "I'm so sorry" you repeat multiple times. "Hey it's okay, the test comes back negative" he says.

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