Bringing your Boyfriend Home to Rossi

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"Daddy I'm home" you shout after you open the front door. You hear your father come downstairs from what you guess was his office. He looks down at his watch and saw that you made it home 5 minutes home before your curfew. "Ciao Bella" he says as you smile. He greets you with a big hug before giving you two kisses, one in each cheek.

He then takes Tony's hand and shakes it. "Hi Mr. Rossi, you have a beautiful home" he says as your dad smirks before turning to you. "He's got manners, I like him" your dad says as you smile. "You hungry? I made your favorite, my homemade lasagna" he says as you roll your eyes and take your boyfriends hand as he follows you to the kitchen.

You smile at him as you both sit down. Your dad then starts talking to him. "So, Tony, that sounds Italian" he says as you shoot your dad a dirty look. "Um yes, my grandparents moved here from Italy when they were 19 and pregnant with my mom." He says as your dad looks impressed. "So do you speak Italian?" he asks as you wanted to murder him.

"Yeah, I speak it at home with my grandparents" he says as you secretly squeeze his hand. "Well that's impressive, I would love to get this one to speak more Italian at home" he says as you rolled your eyes. "Oh would you look at the time. Tony you should probably get home before your family start to worry" you said as you take his hand and quickly walk him out of the house. "Sorry about my dad" you say as he chuckles. "No problem, I liked him, he seemed nice" Tony said as you couldn't help but smile. He always knew the right things to say. He kisses you goodbye before he walks to the car.

You walk back into the kitchen and see two plates  with lasagna on it. Rossi had a wine glass in his hand as he slowly takes a sip of it before taking a bite of his dinner. You sit down as he finishes chewing. "So, Tony seems like a nice guy" your dad starts as you nod. "Yeah he's really sweet" you said before shoving a piece of lasagna in your mouth, hoping that this conversation will end.

"So how long have you been together for?" he asks as you finish chewing. "Um a little over a month now" you say as he nods as you take another bite of your lasagna. "Are you guys having sex?" your dad asks out of nowhere as you almost choke on your food. You start coughing before taking a sip of water. "Dad what? Of course not" you say as he looks at you.

"Good, because although it's great that he's Italian, I don't want any Italian grand babies around the house yet" he says as you roll your eyes. "You can always talk to Emily about that stuff if you need to" he says as you nod. "I know dad, but trust me I won't be needing that talk anytime soon" you say as he nods his head before he takes a sip.

"You never know that Bella, you could have a spur of the moment type of thing and boom 9 months later you are up all night with a crying baby whose taken away your social life" he says as you nod. "Dad I swear to god I am going to leave this table right now" you say as he smiles.

"So what's his last name?" your dad asks as you raise your eyebrows. "Why?" you ask as he shrugs "just curios" he says but you didn't trust him. "Mancini" you say as he nods his head. "What part of Italy are they from?" he asks as you feel an interrogation occurring. "Um he said a small town just outside of Florence" you say. "Do you remember which town?" he asks. "Not on the top of my head no" you say feeling very frustrated right now.

"Do you know what the parents do?" he asks. "Um his dad is a lawyer and his moms a teacher" you say as he nods. "And the grandparents?" he asks. "Well his grandfather used to work in a factory but then lost his job and started working as a tailor. While his grandmother became a secretary" you said as he nods.

"Have they always been in D.C?" he asks. "No, they moved from New York soon after Tony's parents got married" you said as he nods. "What part of New York?" he asks. "The bronx" you said as he nods. "And what about Tony's father?" "His great grandparents were from Italy and lived in Brooklyn. His parents met at some Italian festival thing and have been together ever since." You say hoping this would shut him up.

"Well they sound great, I would love to have them over some time" he says. "Dad" you say. "What? Is it too much for me to ask to meet the family of my daughters boyfriend?" he asks as you roll your eyes. "Does he have any siblings?" he continues. "Yes he has an older brother named Matteo who is an officer up in Jersey and two younger sisters, Cat and Chiara" you say.

"Cat?" he asks. "Yep, short for Caterina" you say as he nods. "And how old are they?" He asks. "Well Matteo is 23, Cat is 10 and Chiara is 7" you say. "Well does Tony know about my job? Cause I would love to have them over but you know with my work schedule it might be hard to plan" he says as you nod. "Matteo is a big fan of your books and they've seen you on the news once or twice. His grandfather was asking me a bunch of questions about you" you say.

"So you've met the grandfather?" he asks. "Yeah, one day when you were away on a case I stayed at their house for dinner" you said. "Well then we have to have them over soon" he says as you nod. "Dad relax it's not like we've been dating for a year or anything" you say as he smiles. "Well if he is important in your life, then I would like to meet his family" he says as you smile.

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