The Beliefs

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We all have our own beliefs, and until and unless something wrong happens we do not change our beliefs and thoughts, so why do we wait for something to happen wrong, is it possible for our own benefits?

I do support the Beliefs that doesn't harm life and any type of formations, or any kind.
Believe in those pure souls who came for our help and goods.

O life and souls, remove the hate from you, accept love, kindness and peace.

Do you not believe or feel that having harmful (any type of that may not harm you but harms others' mental or physical) will harm you too, not now, not today even if not tomorrow, it will.
And then we do misdeeds.
Still the evil has to end in our life, and wherever it is present, it has to end.

So, why, just for our own or some profits, pleasures and benefits you keep those harmful beliefs?
Also then you create arrogance on your beliefs, you always start thinking I am superior and always right.

When there will be everything on its death row and when everything will end just like a huge destruction, will you still keep your those beliefs?

Then maybe you will find what you and your beliefs did to life, in life.
Then you will try to repent to your lord that is peace, you will be craving to bring peace on you and your surroundings, but on that what is the benefits of doing that and calling peace.

So, it is very common and everyone says, and I say to society to life and humans, change those harmful beliefs that is harmful to anyone or anything or any kind.
Still if you deny.
Then you are the creator of your own hell.

Do not be superior in nature that you are the best survivor, do not be arrogance o people of peace, and the Lord takes no time to destroy any kind of arrogance, that you create even for the Lord.
As nothing is yours, then you feel grief and try to make something yours, it is all okay until and unless you create arrogance on it.

"My writings here doesn't mean to create a new belief or a religion or a system.
These morals were already created, but denying of kindness and other good morals made me write again in a different style.
Whatever you think on this doesn't matter to me, and it is indeed it mattered to you and if you take it seriously, the right path, the peace and your righteousness is coming to choose you. "

It is that, some of your beliefs change your track to another destination to commit what was your belief and its track for.
As, indeed, life is the best philosopher who creates many thoughts and beliefs to change your but the surroundings and even life doesn't wants to change you.

When there was nothing and everything was floating in nothingness, when there was no thoughts of life and creations, then that one existed, that one who thought of us, that one who brought us here and today, that who thought you would always be kind and patient to that one.
And now you ask the motive your creation, in my thoughts and opinion there was some motive, it is very silly but may be the very truth.
Your creation is an incidence done by that one, who is peace and beyond good and evil.

However, we exist today, and seek our purpose and motive. I say, O life, do you all like to see the sufferings? No right? Why do you all even create, why you can't go to the right path, I know there are many reasons, I accept those and you all really like to see and hear the sufferings.
Remember, to whom you believe, to who you call (peace) never wanted these sufferings in creations, and then you say the Lord is meaningful, maybe the Lord accepted that, but how can the peace come to the violence and sufferings. Before you would have been called. And if it comes, it will come to all at once and with death.

Do for you with kindness and patience, do for peace and all.

"These morals and good things I wrote in the chapters of My Existence, will it change you? Or still those beliefs, you will like to do?
I may be denied by today's society, let it, let the new one appear and let my words reach them."

We all are one. Accepted by many, still hates the other type of creatures and life.
This is the very harming beliefs to society and peace.

"Do not deny, if you read my words, do not, and even if you then may the life teach you many things. I am not mature in age to write this, but the sufferings I see around and even in me, wants a good teaching to gift life, even to me."

None will like to burn on that day, none will like to taste fire. If the hell exist, no one will.
And even if the hell will not exist, then your thoughts will remind you your deeds with immense pain.
The Lord (whoever is) is merciful.

Do not let your pain cover you with evilness, do not let the lie cover your truth, do not let anyone's lie to cover anyone's truth, do not let the hate and violence throw the peace from you and yours.

People often forget the good when they do evil, but some do not even try that and knowing the good still does the bad. May this is the most common hidden beliefs of people.

Be filled with wisdom, be filled with questions and this will not allow those brutal beliefs to come to you and access the control of you. You all are a philosopher with your thoughts and morals, so why letting those beliefs to come to you?
Philosophy is all about wisdom and knowledge, logic and illogic, questions and answers and also reasons. It is you to imply those beliefs in your life, and then you are lost to another path.
Think, the more you will, the more you will get to know about the truth, whatever the truth is, it is always peace but covering with lie makes it a spark.

"My existence is filled with grief and very mixture of everything, I am confused. I do not let my grief to end my term in life, I and even many believe it's a part of life. But many couldn't handle this mental state and goes to do misdeeds or ends their term in life. Really it is not the solution."

These are the very common beliefs of removing you from the right path, the track to peace. Beware.

"Be Heaven, Be Peace."

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